Savior of Ages

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Hello everyone. Thanks for reading my story. Please feel free to comment If you have advise or critisism for me. I wont complain about either. 


                                                                                                            Brian Dinges

                                                                  SAVIOR OF AGES

“The sky looks brown this morning.” Ben said to his brother Lenny.

“Yup sure does. Looks like it might be the worst one so far this year, Ben.” Lenny said scanning the horizon.

They set about the task of sealing up their family’s home. It all seamed so routine these days. The dust storms seemed to be coming through about once a month instead of once a year like they used to.

They never complained and always worked hard. Both content with the meager living of being farmers. But things were about to change for Ben and Lenny.

The storm was kicking up with earnest when Ben called over to Lenny, “I’m done with the house. How are you making out with the barn?”

“Just about finished. Go ahead and get the cellar  door open.”

Ben opened the cellar door and waited patiently for his little brother to finish the barn. After about thirty minutes Ben started feeling like something was wrong. It had never taken Lenny this long to batten down the barn.

Ben started walking towards the barn to check on his brother. A few yards from the barn the first one struck the earth beside him. He looked down in shock at the smoking hole just inches from his left foot. His shock was quickly replaced by horror when he realized that instead of an annoying but otherwise harmless dust storm, they were having a meteor shower of epic proportions.

              He started running fearing for his brother life. Molten stones thrown down from the heavens crashed to the ground all around him as he raced across the small farm.

             He got to the barn unscathed and found his brother face down by the big double barn doors. He’d fallen while placing the large oak beam across the doors to brace them from the wind. The beam was twelve feet long and twelve inches by sixteen inches wide. It weight about three hundred pounds and had somehow fallen across Lenny’s back. 

Ben knelt down by his brother and yelled over the howling wind and the thundering crashes of the meteors. “ Lenny, are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine but I can’t get out from under this damned beam. If you can lift one end I think I can crawl out.”

Ben grabbed one end of the giant beam and heaved with all his considerable strength. He lifted the end easily and Lenny crawled out from under. 

Just as Lenny cleared the beam a meteor hit Ben square in the middle of his chest. The impact threw him back several feet and he lay motionless on the floor of the barn.

Savior of AgesWhere stories live. Discover now