Chapter 11

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Jase's POV:

I snapped at Paige last night. She was currently sleeping and I was sitting on my laptop typing up my paper since I had nothing better to do. I sighed deeply not knowing what else to write about the U.S presidential history. Paige shifted in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled at the sight of me. 

"Hey." I said smiling up at her from my laptop. 

"What you doing?" She asked coming to sit by me. "Writing the history paper." I replied. She took my laptop from my hands. 

"Hey it's not finished!" I said. 

"I'm just looking over it. Don't worry babe." She said. I watched as her eyes moved across the screen.

She finished reading. 

"Jase... It actually is done. You've got all the required information and the extra credit. It's perfect. Just give it a concluding paragraph." She said handing my laptop. 

She got up and walked over to her closet. 

"Hmm..." She said. She pulled out skinny jeans, a tank top, and a beanie. 

"Is it cool if I wear on of your shirts?" She asked me. I was surprised she even wanted to touch my clothes. I didn't have the best style. It was plain and boring. 

"Uh... Yeah, I guess so. You may not find anything though." I said as I began typing. I heard rummaging and then a small squeal. I looked up to see she had chosen my football hoodie. I had gotten it automatically for being on the team. It had my last name on the back and the team name and logo on the front.

"I'm going to go shower... Be back in ten." She said grabbing a towel and leaving. I saved my work and closed my laptop. I had already showered and been dressed. My phone began to ring. 

"Hello?" I answered.

 "Hi Jase! Are you still in London?" My mom's familiar voice asked.

 "No... Paige and I came back early... Too stressful." I said. 

"Great, come home. Dad and I are going to be there tonight! You can come home for the rest of break... If you want you can also come home for good." She stated plainly. 

"I thought you couldn't come?" I stated questionably. 

"Things change." She said. 

"Don't bother coming anyways mom. I wanna spend break here on campus with Paige. It's just us, we can do whatever we want." I stated as Paige entered the room in an oversized shirt.

I gave her a strange look. 

"Relax! I still have on my underwear and stuff..  I just hate getting dressed in the bathroom. Always have, always will." She spoke. I shrugged and continued on the phone. 

"B-But Jase... You can come home! You didn't even want to be at that school." Mom said her tone changing a bit.

 "No. I don't want to be home anymore. It's fine.... I've got someone else here that I love." I said looking up at Paige. She had just finished getting dressed and look back and smiled. 

"Very well then, I'll tell your father not to come then." She said hanging up. 

"What was that about?" Paige asked me.

 "My parents want me to come home for the rest of break. But I know my mother, she offered for me to stay home for good. She'd make me even if I didn't wanna." I said. Paige came and sat next to me. 

"Why not go home? It's probably better than my house or this school ever was or will be." She facing me so that her legs were going across me and her back was on the wall.

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