Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

I sat there as the management team stared back at me. 

"What is this? Why couldn't you just bring Paige back?" I asked finally.

 "She's not coming back and that's the final decision, You can go now." Someone said. 

"When I walk out of those doors..." My voice trailed off.

 "Niall she is just a stupid little girl. You'll forget her." He spoke. I walked out of the door and to the lift. I was done.

Paige's POV

I landed in America. I got my bag and turned my phone back on. Not one call from the boys. I sighed deeply. I looked around and saw a sign with my name on it. I walked over to the man holding it.

 "Hi. I-I think your sign is for me." I said smiling and flipping m hair over my shoulder. 

"Hello then Ms.Horan. Let me take your bags." The man said. 

"Thank you." I said as we ventured to the car. 

He opened the door to a long white limo and I got in. My phone began to buzz. I realized it was actually ringing. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Did you land yet?" It was Uncle Louis. 

"Yeah. I'm in the car heading for the school..." I said trailing off. 

"I quit. I quit the band." He said quickly. 

"You did what?" I yelled. 

"Is everything okay back there?" The driver asked. 

"Yeah... Sorry." I said.

 "I wasn't going on." Louis spoke. 

"Uncle Louis what did you just do? You can't just let your fans down! I want you to go back and get your job back. If I could never see you guys... I'd want to see you at least see you succeed." I said. 

"They already replaced me... They  had him waiting for a while. I gotta go Paige. I love you." He said hanging up. As I looked out of my window I saw the school. 

It was a huge castle like building. The car came to a stop and the driver let me out. 

"Thank you." I said as he handed me my bags. 

"Anytime Ms.Paige." He spoke. 

"You can just call me Paige." I said. 

"Very well... I'm Dean. If you ever need a ride anywhere I put my personal card in your bag." He said. I smiled.

 "Thank you... I'll call if I need anything." I said. "Do you need any help?" He asked. I shook my head no and began to walk off. 

Everyone kept starring at me. What was I? Some freak show? I made my way to a nearby girl hoping she could help me out. 

"Excuse me?" I asked her. She turned to look at me with a huge smile. 

"Um, could you point me to the main office?" I asked.

 "Sure. Just follow me." She spoke walking off. 

"I'm Amanda." She said. She had blue hair and bright green eyes.

 "I'm Paige." I spoke. 

"Isn't your father Niall Horan?" She asked. I nodded. 

"Don't worry. I'm not a very  big fan so I won't try to get to them or anything." She said smiling as we stopped in front of a door. 

"The main office is right through those doors. Always knock before going in.  I'll be waiting out here." Amanda said sitting on a bench. I nodded and knocked on the door. 

"Enter!" A woman shouted. I opened the  door.

 "H-Hi. Im Paige." I spoke. 

"Sit." She said standing. I instantly sat down. She gave  me three books, a schedule, pens,  and a key. 

"The key is for your room. Your room is in section B of Eagle Hall and you are room 4-56. I will have my top student take you there." She spoke pointing to a boy by a filing cabinet. 

"This is Jase. He will be the student you go to with questions because staff is much busy at the moment." She said. She rushed us out of the office. When Amanda saw Jase she turned mean. 

"Why would she pair you with this slut?" She asked me. I shrugged unsure of what to say. 

"Hm so it went from cheater to slut? I don't have time  for a skank like you." Jase said.

 "Is everything okay?" I asked. 

"No. He dated me and then while we were  still going out he hooked up with my ex-bestfriend that same night." Amanda said bitterly.

"Well, your past isn't mine... And I'm  not trying to start anything but I'll make  my own choices with   friends." I  spoke. 

"Fine." She said walking away. 

"I think you just started something." Jase said whispering. This caused me to laugh.

 "Damn... I just go here too." I said sarcastically. 

We began walking to my room. He showed me how to use the key. We got inside and the room was boring.

 "Oh looks like theres a second bed... Wonder who's it is." I said turning to Jase.

"The second bed is yours and I know that because the first one is mine... Pretty boring stuff right?" He asked smiling. 

"Awesome." I said sitting on the bed he said was mine. "I didn't know guys and girls could room together." I said. 

"Yup. They just started to allow it a few years ago since students needed to get along  with each other. Can I see your schedule?" He asked. 

 He began to mutter stuff under him breath before giving it back. "Everything  together. Same classes and stuff. That also means you have all night classes."  He spoke. 

"Cool... Walk with me?" I asked. He nodded. 

"Since it's literally the first start of the school year we have the first day dance tonight." He spoke. 

"So no classes?" I asked. 

"None. Just time for students to find dates and get ready." He spoke. 

"I don't think I'm going." I said.

 "Why? Everyone is." He said sitting on his bed. 

"I'll be dateless and stupid looking." I said. 

"Would you like to go with me?" He asked. 

I had to admit Jase was super attractive. "Um... S-sure." I  spoke.


Jase had left a while ago. He said he would give me the room to get ready in and he'd be getting ready with a friend. I took a picture of myself to send to Uncle Lou since he is the only one who's called me.  I sent it. 

Lou: Where you going all dressed up? :)

Paige: The first day dance. I hear its amazing... I'm going with a friend of mine. 

Lou: Who is it?

Paige: Jase. He's just a friend. 

Lou: Have fun okay? I'll be on skype when you get back.

Paige: YAY! I love you!

There was a knock. I opened the door and there stood Jase. "You look beautiful." He spoke. "Thank you." 

"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded as we walked out of the room and headed for the dance.

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