Chapter 10

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Paige's POV

"You know... They'll be back in this car soon." Jase said. He had caught me and convinced me to just talk to him.  

"So what... I don't have to talk to any of them. They are liars, I don't give a damn about them." I said slouching in my seat. He sighed. 

"What's up with you? I'm not a doctor but... Your moods change rather quickly. Happy one minute, sad the next, then pissed at the world. Not only that but some days you are in the darkest slump then two hours later... You're fine." He spoke looking directly into my eyes.

I shrugged. "Whatever. I'm fine! Alright? Just trust me." I said annoyed. 

"I'm not trying to start something... I'm sorry." He said ending the conversation. Soon the boys were in the car. "Paige, there you are!" Lou yelled as they all hopped in.

"We were worried sick! We ran around the entire studio looking for you! Why would you run off like that?" Dad yelled. I didn't answer.

 "t I caught up to her and convinced her to talk to me. We were in luck since the car wasn't locked or anything," Jase said nervously. "She told me how life sucks and-" 

"I was talking to my daughter." Dad spat. 

"...She just wants to leave, I told her its worth it and we talked about a few other things too. Now she's fine." Jase finished nervously. 

"W-Well how does life feel to her right now?" Harry asked him. Jase looked at me and I lightly shook my head so only he would notice. 

"That's her story and my secret." He responded. I smiled at him.

"Bullshit." Dad said growing visibly angrier. 

"Niall," Liam warned. "Calm down." 

"That's my daughter." He proclaimed. "I will parent her however I see fit." 

"Paige, walk with me?" Uncle Zayn spoke with pleading eyes. I sighed heavily but nodded. We started down to the boardwalk. 

"I- know you. For heaven's sake I watched you die in front of me everyday when you were younger," He said nervously. "Is everything we finally thought was over back?" He asked. 

I didn't have the best journey with mental health and everything going on was starting to stir up old fears he had. That battle was part of the reason he grew so distant with me before. 

"I don't know. I feel fine. Or at least I did...  Life's pretty funny though isn't it?" I asked pausing. Zayn's jaw line tensed before he spoke. 

"How so?" He asked as we sat at the end of the boardwalk. 

"It tricks you," I mumbled. It brings good things and then it all becomes a mess. It lies to you until you're drowning in lies and self pity. And then," I paused wondering if I should continue on. "You sit there wondering what the hell you did to deserve those good people until you convince yourself you don't. Well, thats how I feel right now. I feel like I don't deserve any of you."

He looked out at the water before turning back to me. 

"My mom once told me you won't deserve everything you get in life, especially not the bad. But every good thing you get you'd better believe you deserve every second of it." He stopped with a small sigh. 

 "We came from different lives though. I came from a drunken mother who later began abusing drugs. My mom was never there. Only dad! My family is broken. Every single piece is so hard to pick up. And they keep falling." I cried uncontrollably now. "I can't keep picking them up. It just gets worse." I cried. I broke into sobs as he held me tight.

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