Chapter One

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Paige's Pov:

I was sitting in the kitchen on my phone when dad walked in. 

"Hey daddy." I said. 

"Hey princess." He said. 

"Any plans for today?" I asked as he pulled out the blender to make some drink. 

"Not much. Just an interview and a meeting." He said throwing smoothie ingredients into it. 

"Oh...Well shouldn't the others get up too?" I asked. 

"Its really early." He said. 

"Its...5:30." I said. 

"So why are you up? You always get up at noon in the summer." Dad laughed. I shrugged. "It's time to try new things!" I smiled.

"Down..." I heard Harry's voice say from the doorway. He was always grouchy about me sitting on the counter tops like that. 

"Sup Uncle Haz? Sup Uncle Z?" I said jumping down as Zayn entered the kitchen as well. 

"Great...Anyways we need to get ready."    Harry said quickly. 

"Well then..." I mumbled walking into the living room. 

"Hey Paige." Liam said. 

"Hey teddy bear." I said. 

Uncle Liam was my favorite. He always made time for me and kept every promise. He was the one who I could be the real me around. I didn't consider him an uncle, I considered him something different. I guess he was closest I ever got to a best friend. 

"Come here...I want to show you something." He said patting the seat next to him. I skipped my way there and sat down. 

At this point in the morning time had sped by, I could see the sun starting to settle in the sky and things seemed much warmer and brighter from the window.

"One of the fans that I met today when I was going for a coffee told me to-" 

"You got coffee without me? I've been up all morning, I didn't even hear you leave."  I said cutting him off. 

 "I went really early." He said. 

"Oh. I guess you guys do have a lot to do today." I said still not taking the box he was holding  out. 

"No. I made a promise to hang out with you. I keep those especially for you." He said. 

"I love you, uncle Liam." I smiled. 

"Are you going to take this box?" He asked. "Whats in it?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know. I ran into a girl at the coffee shop who really wanted you to have it," he smiled. "As I was trying to tell you before you cut me off, they said it would make them happy if I just gave it to you and didn't open it yet." 

I took the box and it was big and heavy. I sat it on the table and carefully unwrapped it. There were three things. A magazine with my face on it that I didn't even know about, a scrapbook that read 'Paige Horan's fanbase (Paigers) Love you!' I smiled at the title sitting it aside, and an envelope. 

Inside there were a few pictures of what I guess were my "fan-base". I didn't even know I had fans. 

"Wow you're popular!" Liam smiled. 

"Your fans are amazing!" I said smiling and pulling out my phone. 

"They're your fans now..." He said. I smiled. 

When I looked at the time it was 11:00am. "Alright we're off!" Harry said opening the door. 

"Come on Liam!" He yelled. 

"Um...Im not going." He said. 

"Its just one interview!" Harry groaned. 

"I made a promise." 

Harry immediately rolled his eyes at the statement and walked out of the door. He barley held conversations with me and never did anything with just me. He has never hugged me, wished me a happy birthday, or told me he loves me. It kinda makes me feel like I did something wrong. 

"What do you want to do at 11:30 in the morning?" Uncle Liam asked jumping up. 

 "Oh...I don't know. Maybe go visit my fans?" I asked. 

"Alright...But where would they be?" He asked. 

"Well...In this scrapbook or fan book or whatever it is...It says they are meeting at this address." I said looking into the book. 

"What time?" He asked. "Says it started about an hour ago." I said reading again. 

"Alright well....Let's go surprise your fans!" He exclaimed grabbing his phone and keys. 

I smiled as I grabbed my phone. As I was putting everything away I noticed something galaxy print in the box. I picked it up and it unfolded into a shirt with an infinity sign. It also said 'Shoot for the stars...Our star...Paige Horan....Paigers forever' 

I smiled before placing it on the couch and following Liam through the door. 

As we drove in that car I realized Liam does more with me than any of the other boys. Including my dad. I suddenly got a little less excited then cheered up quickly as we arrived. 

"Get ready." He said getting out and coming to open my door but I swung it open before he could get there. I laughed at his expression then began walking to the door with him right behind me.

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