Chapter 4

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Niall's POV

In the meeting I made the decision that Paige would be leaving, and unfortunately, it was time to remind her. 

"Paige, get up it's six." I whispered as I walked into her room. 

"Go away." She mumbled throwing a pillow at me.

 "Paige you're leaving tonight... Your plane leaves at seven thirty." I said pulling the blankets off of her. 

"Oh, really that's today?" She said jumping up. She grabbed her clothes and shoes and walked into the bathroom. I walked out of the room and downstairs.

"How is she?" Lou asked. 

"I think she's actually happy to go." I said. 

"She's faking." Harry said. 

"Oh yeah? And how with you know that? You have never even showed her that she should stay." Liam asked bitterly. 

"I know her... Paige wouldn't be happy to leave Niall or you Liam or any of us. She loves us too much." he proclaimed. 

"He's right." She said appearing in the doorway. "This is my home and you guys may be liars but I'd never want to leave you." 

"It was a hard decision, Paige," I spoke up. "But, it was one we were ready to make." 

"Who said we were ready to let her go?" Zayn asked. "I begged you to let her stay in that room. We all did." 

"This is all your fault!" Liam yelled. 

"Its no one's fault." Zayn said. 

"Yeah it is Zayn!" Lou said joining in with Liam. 

"How?" Zayn said almost raising his voice. 

"Niall made the choice to just give her up!" Harry yelled. Soon we were all yelling.

"Shut up!" Paige yelled. The room fell silent. 

"It's my fault. Okay?" She mumbled. "You heard management say what they had to say... I'm holding you back and I'm starting to see it just looking around this room."  She began to cry. 

"What?" Harry asked. 

"Look at you guys now. You are fighting over whose fault it was and you're fighting over me staying or going." 

"No... " Louis said. 

"No what?" She asked. 

"You aren't leaving because if you do... I do." He said. 

"Well then tell your fans to kiss you goodbye because they're here to take me to the airport. By everyone. I'll miss you." She said picking up her suitcases and heading for the door. 

We all held Lou back as she left. 


Third person's POV

Louis called a meeting with management. 

"What do you boys need Louis?" Some guy in a suit asked. 

"I want an official statement released... I'm quitting the band until Paige will be home with us, again." Louis said walking out. 

"Louis!" The man yelled. He ran after him and dragged him back inside. "Think about what you are doing! I mean... Niall obviously knew he has done the right thing. Are you really going to throw all of your career away on some dumb little girl?"

"Watch it!" Niall growled. 

"I am thinking. She motivated me so think about that while I get my original life back." Lou yelled. 

"Anyone else quitting? Anyone else quitting for a stupid little girl?" The many yelled getting visibly aggressive. 

"She isn't dumb and she isn't stupid! She was my daughter!" Niall yelled nearly in tears. 

"So you're quitting too?"He asked turning to Niall.

 "No." He mumbled. "I- I just think that my little girl deserved more." 

"Louis, you can go now. Niall, it's not my fault you're a bad parent." The man said. 

Louis only shook his head before walking out slamming the glass doors behind him. 

"We can replace him with Rob. We've had him waiting for his shot at fame." The man spoke turning to face the huge glass windows. We all sat there quietly. "

You are dismissed." He said angrily. 

Everyone rushed out except for Niall. 

"What the hell is he doing?" Harry asked.

"I don't know... I wonder how Paige is holding up over there all alone." Zayn chimed in.

"Lets just get home then we can call her."  Liam said as he rushed to the lifts. 

"Well.. Life is seriously about to change." Harry spoke.

He's right... It is.

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