Chapter 8- The same mistakes

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Paige's POV:

It's been almost two months since I'd gotten to the academy. Holiday break was coming up and Uncle Louis promised to fly me home for the month. 

"Its your last day, princess." Jase said hugging me and kissing my cheek. We've become best friends and we've made some other new friends as well. 

"Where you going for break?" He asked me.

 "Home," I said with a big smile. "My uncles Lou and Zayn want to see me so we're just going to hang out for a month."

 "That's awesome! You finally get to go back." He spoke. 

"Yeah." I stated plainly. 

"Aren't you happy?" He asked taking my hand in his. 

"I'm just afraid to see my dad," I admitted. "Last time I talked to him was the day I got here. We haven't spoken at all." 

Jase sighed pulling me into him. "It's gonna be okay, princess, I promise." He said kissing the top of my head. "If anything goes wrong, call me. I'll have you on the next flight to my place." 

I nodded nuzzling into him. 

"Thank you, Jase. I don't know where i'd be without you." I mumbled holding onto him even tighter. 

He laughed softly before pulling away with a big smile. 
"My guess is late to class." He joked grabbing both of our backpacks. "Lets go. You know how Mr. Jones gets about attendance." 

Classes went by slowly because of exams. They were made into two hour classes instead of one. I ran to my dorm grabbing all of my bags seeing Jase was just sitting on his bed. He'd finished his tests before me.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?" I asked him.

 He shook his head. 

"My parents can't get me and they've lost contact with everyone since I left." He spoke. 

I sat my bags down. I sat beside him hugging him. 

"I'm sorry...." I trailed off.

 "Its not your fault. My parents are just pricks." He spoke. I sighed. Then a generous idea popped into my head. 

"Come home with me!" I yelled. 

"I couldn't." He spoke immediately rejecting the idea. 

"Sure you could. Our house is big enough and you said so yourself, you've always wanted to see England." I said smiling at him.

"I thought you were Irish?" He questioned. 

"No, I was born in England. My father however not so much so... Kinda." I spoke.

 "I-Are you sure I can come?" He asked

. I nodded my head rapidly. 

"Then I guess so." He smiled. Jase quickly packed his bags as we rushed downstairs. I started to worry until I saw Uncle Louis' car. 

"He flew himself?" I questioned loudly. Jase and I ran over to the car. Uncle Lou nodded saying he could come and we threw our stuff in the back climbing in the car.

"Wow. Two months changed ya." Uncle Lou smiled. 

"How? I'm still the same height." I said. Uncle Lou laughed. "

I missed you Paige. I really did." He smiled. 

"I missed you too. And everyone else." 

The drive to the airport was the worst. American airports were the most annoying thing I'd come to experience in my lifetime. Uncle Louis squeezed my hand happily as we boarded. 

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