Chapter 6

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"Hey Lou what are you looking at?" Zayn asked leaning over my shoulder. 

"Paige... She sent me a picture." I replied not looking up  from my phone. 

"Where is she going?" He asked. 

"First day dance." I replied. 

"She looks beautiful." Liam said joining us. I nodded. 

Paige's POV

 Jase and I walked through the doors of the dance. 

"Pictures or no pictures?" He asked. 

"Sure we can take a pic." I said. He nodded. We walked over to where pictures were set up. "Alright get close and big smiles." The guy said. We did as instructed and he quickly snapped it. 

As we walked away we began talking. 

"So Paige..." He stated 

"So Jase..." I said returning it. 

"Lets find a table. I think Andrea is here." He said smiling. 

"Who?" I asked. 

"My sister. She and I are pretty close people." He replied. I nodded. We walked to a table with  three empty seats and a girl with brown hair and light brown eyes. There was also a guy sitting next to her. 

"Um this is Paige. Paige that's Andrea and Kian." Jase said. 

"Hi." I said. 

Jase pulled my chair out and I smiled as I sat down. He sat beside me. 

"So... Paige, could I interview you?" Andrea asked. 

"Huh?" I asked confused. "She's a youtuber. They both are." Jase said. I nodded. 

"Um... Why me?" I asked. 

"You're Niall Horan's daughter. Right?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah but I'm not very interesting." I replied. 

"Please?" She asked. 

"Okay fine... What day?" I sighed out. 

"Tuesday at four." She smiled. I nodded when one of my favorite song came on. "Chloe" By Emblem3. 

"Oh my gosh! I love this song!" I said happily. "

Well why don't you and Jase go dance?" Kian asked. 

"I don't dance. I suck at it and I just look awkward." I said quickly. 

"You cant be that bad." Jase put in. "No... I am." I said. He stood up and took my hand. 

I got up and followed him. "Why did I get up?" I asked myself. 

*You thinks she's got it all but that don't make her better! You got my heart and that's the only thing that the only thing that matters!*

"Just move." Jase whispered. I nodded. Soon I was dancing pretty well. 


"Well bye Andrea. Bye Kian." Jase and I said as we got back to our room. "That was awesome." I said plopping onto my bed. "Yeah. And I told you you weren't that bad of a dancer." Jase said removing his shirt. "Well..." I said trailing off. "I'm sorry." He laughed. 

I smiled getting out my laptop. I logged onto Skype and uncle Lou was in fact... On. I called him using video.

 "Hey beautiful!" He cheer as he answered. 

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