Being Niall Horan's Daughter

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Paige's POV:

I sat down awkwardly and I faced the only person who could make the final decision; send me away to boarding school or keep me home where he knows I'm safe. He looked down at the floor as I attempted to meet his vacant gaze.

"Niall, we need a decision from you now." Simon said. 

"Why?" He asked. "I mean I just don't understand why I can't have more time. What is she doing so wrong that's bringing us to this?" 

 I looked down to the floor, afraid to hear Simon's reply. 

"Niall she is holding the band back," he replied harshly. "I'm not the man who told you to go off and have some bratty kid right before you signed a major contract. You're missing award shows for school plays and doctors appointments. You haven't been to the studio for months... She's got to go."  I could see tears blurring my vision as I attempted to make sense of the situation. I found myself staring at the floor. 

I had a good dad and, yes, he would miss some things to be there for me. It just wasn't fair that he had to choose between me and following his dreams. I felt the obvious choice should've been me but I guess I felt wrong. 

"How is she holding us back though?" Uncle Zayn asked. "That's what a good father does. He's there for his children no matter what." 

"She does nothing but support us." Uncle Harry chimed in. I looked up only to have Uncle Liam pull me out into the hallway.

"Paige, don't let this all get you in a bunch. You're not holding us back," He began. I could tell that this was the beginning to a very long and agonizing speech. "You're holding management back. I know that none of this makes sense right now but I know that Niall won't let them take you away from this family." He finished beginning to wipe my tears. 

I immediately stared elsewhere once my eyes met his. 

"Look at me..." He spoke lifting my chin. "You aren't holding us back. Okay? You are doing exactly what you should be. You're a good kid." 

As I was about to speak the office doors flung open. I looked up to see dad but he only looked at me for a second before storming off. 

"Harry what happened in there?" Liam asked.

Uncle Harry only looked at me with a sad expression, "I'm so sorry, Paige." 

"What happened?" I exclaimed as my heart began to race, but he didn't answer. 

"Harry?" Uncle Liam urged him to speak. 

"I'll miss you, kid." Harry said looking to me before storming off just as my father had done. I felt tears flow freely down my face as I ran outside. I found my dad leaning against a tree far from the parking lot.

 "Dad?" I asked approaching him. 

"I'm sorry Paige." He whispered. 

"Why did you do it?" I yelled through tears. 

"I had no choice but to do it!" He retorted. "It was either send you away or ruin everyone else's lives and careers in the process. Paige, I'm sorry, but one casualty is enough."

"No other choice? Daddy, please don't..." I said, my vision blurry from my tears. "Please don't send me away." 

"Princess I'm sorry..." He said softly reaching for me. 

Before he could reach me I took off running in any direction my legs would take me. How could he do this to me?

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