Chapter 8

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Emilia walked around the town. It was the day before the wedding, the last day of her freedom. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know if she wanted to see Joseph or not. She sat down in the grass right by the lake. She looked at her reflection in the lake. She saw a person behind her. She turned around and saw Joseph standing right over her. Emilia sighed. "This is too hard." Emilia stood up and almost walked away. Joseph stood in her way. "I know it's hard, but today is the last day, Emilia..I needed to see you." 

Emilia nodded, looking up at him. "I wanted to see you too." She said, tearing up. Joseph caressed her cheek. "Everything is going to be fine. Maybe it'll be a better life for you with Anthony, maybe it'll be better if we forget each other." Joseph thought. Emilia shook her head. "I have never felt this way about anyone before, Joseph, and now my feelings are being held back! Forever! I can't do it! It's too hard..I feel like my mind is going to explode." She cried. Joseph grabbed her shoulders and leaned in closer to her. "You're going to get through this. Why? Because you're Emilia Harper, you can do anything, you're strong, you've gotten through so much..this can't throw you off, I can't throw you off." Joseph said. 

"But you ARE..." Emilia said, tears sliding down her cheeks. Joseph started crying too. "Look, this is hard on the both of us! It's not just you! I love you! I'm trying to make peace with you, so just let me!" He yelled, sobbing. Emilia sighed, wiping her tears. "I'm sorry." She hugged him. "I've been selfish lately, with everything that's been happening." She admitted. Joseph hugged back. "It's not your fault..but there is something I need you to know." Joseph said. Emilia nodded. "Tell me." Joseph looked at her. "I'm going to miss you." Emilia nodded, the tears starting the flow again. "I'm going to miss you too." Joseph and Emilia looked at each other looked at each other for a while, until someone split them apart. 

"What did I tell you, Joseph? She's mine now, so back off." Anthony said, standing in front of Emilia. Emilia pushed past him. "At least let us say goodbye before I have to live with a monster like you!" Emilia cried. Anthony crossed his arms like he always did. "You have one minute, and then we leave, and you'll see him only at the wedding." Anthony said, angrily. Emilia looked at Joseph. "Don't forget me..okay?" Joseph said, repeating his same phrase. Emilia nodded. "I won't." Joseph looked at Anthony, nodded, and walked away. Anthony took Emilia's hand. "Now, go home and try on your dress. Make sure it fits and doesn't make you look fat or anything. Then I'll see you tomorrow." Emilia nodded, running home. 

Emilia let more tears fall down her face. "I won't forget you." 

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