Ch.1 The Accident Then and Now

Start from the beginning

"No. No. I'm one of the kids who wants to play with you."

"Okay daddy." She smiled giggling.

15 years old

"Dad?" The little one asked as she got up from her bed. She was still very short for a 15 year old. Only standing at 4'9. She looked towards the wall to see small green sticky notes shaped as arrows pointing towards the door.

"I like the color green." She said out loud. She followed the green sticky notes that lead her to the hall. On top of the arrows there were pictures of her and her dad. From when she was a small baby to now. Even though she doesn't remember anything from then but she does look really happy in the pictures. Is what she thought.

She looked down to see that the arrows were pointing down stairs. She stopped what she was doing looking around and then back at the note that was on the bottom. It was slightly hard for the younger girl to read clearly forgetting to grab her glasses before she left her room but she could still manage.

Be careful coming down the stairs don't want you breaking your arm again or anything else. 

On top of that sticky note there was a picture of Y/N on a hospital bed with a green cast on her left arm. The younger girl smiled seeing the color of the cast.

She carefully made her way down the stairs. Not knowing how she fell last time but she sure as heck did not want to repeat it.

She looked to her left to see a picture of herself and ber dad he was hugging her from her side as she blew the number 14 candles out. They were the only ones in the picture along with Grandma. On the bottom it said 'You're getting older but you're still my baby girl.'

She smiled seeing the arrows leading to what she thinks is the kitchen. She walked in to see her  dad cooking. She smiled as he turned around and smiled. "Nice to see you up and with nothing broken. Come on eat up."

She doesn't remember much but she does remember her father. Her father and her grandmother were the only only ones she seemed to remember.

Now 17 years old

"Okay sweetie is everything packed?" My dad said while held he a note book. I felt my eyebrows scrunch up. Packed? Why would everything be packed?

I looked around the room, we were in the living room. It was empty. Lately I've been taking classes. To help me with my short term memory loss. They help me remember things kind of. I still have to go tomorrow so, you can say they aren't helping much.

"Y/NN?" I looked up seeing my dad looking down at me. What were we taking about again? I smiled up at him.

"Hi daddy." He smiled down at me. He leaned down so he could reach my height. "Pumpkin. Why is the living room empty?" I quickly looked around the room to see that the living room was indeed empty.

I quickly looked up at him. Feeling like I was just on a roller coaster that was going down a big hill. Even though I don't know how that feels. But I'm sure it's not a nice feeling. "Oh my god. We got robbed." My hands shooting up to my head. Accidentally knocking off my glasses. Oh there they are.

"Oh I found my glasses." Bending down picking them up and putting them on. I smiled as I looked up at my dad.

"Hi daddy." He smiled. But I can tell it was a sad smile. "What's wrong daddy?" My voice cracking slightly.

"Nothing pumpkin. Now come on. Miami is a long way from here." I smiled and nodded taking his hand.


I woke up to see that I was asleep in unfamiliar room. I quickly got up. I looked around to see that I was in a room and it painted with nice green color.

I like the color green.

I saw green shaped arrows pointing to the door. I smiled as I saw the picture of my dad and I standing in front a unfamiliar house. A nice darkish green color.

I like the color green.

On the bottom it had a small note. 'Our new home princess.'

I smiled and made my way down stairs.


Well some of y'all wanted an story out of the image Never Forget. And who am I to say no. So here it is. The first chapter. Here it is.

Hope y'all like it.

Love ya
  Stay Safe


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