20. Two Lines

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Isabella's POV

Not edited - Not proofread

"I am not taking the test Adrian." I said, taking another step back with my index finger warning him not to insist anymore.

"Bella." He smiled like a devil. "You are." He took a step towards me with the pregnancy test in his hand.

We were in our house, in front of the bathroom door and Adrian was chasing me for almost an hour now.

"I'm sorry but I can't." I didn't know why I couldn't find the courage to just go and pee on this thing.

Did I want children? Yes.

Was I happy that there was a probability that I was pregnant? Yes.

Was I afraid of having children? No.

Then what was my fricking problem that kept me from just grabbing the thing and stepping inside that bathroom?

Adrian held my shoulders, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Bella, look. We have to see if the symptoms are correct. We can't just leave it okay? We have to make sure." And that's when I found out the reason why.

I was afraid the possibility that the symptoms were wrong and that when we made sure, we would make sure of me not being pregnant.

My eyes held concern. "What if... What if I' not-" I started, my voice shaky. But Adrian cut me off.

"Then we will try again baby, don't worry okay? We don't have to rush anything. We can have a baby whenever we want." He sounded so comforting that I just wanted to fall asleep in his arms right at the moment.

"But you were so happy, the idea of being a dad made you happy Adrian. I can't take that away from you." I said, my palm on his cheek.

"Yes, the idea makes me so happy. But if you're not pregnant, than you won't take it away from me do you understand? We can aleays try another time." He comforted me even more and I just sighed while nodding my head.

"Okay." With that, I took the pregnancy test from his hand and went in to the bathroom, still a bit hesitant.

I looked at the thing and took a deep breath.

When I came out the bathroom a few minutes later I found Adrian pacing around nervously.

When he heard me get out he stopped and came towards me with fast steps.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked as I laughed slightly at his silliness. He looked confused.

"We have to wait for a while for it to give us the results." I clarified.

"Dammit." He cursed but then calmed down. "Well okay then let's wait."

I smiled and took his hand as we went to the living room to sit and relax. I mean sit and be a nervous wreck.

After a while of waiting impatiently with the pregnancy test in my hand and Adrian pacing around like crazy, I saw something happen.

Something twitched.

My heart beat nearly stopped. My breath hitched and I grew so hot that I felt sick.

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