The Escape

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry again for the late update. Life has been crazy busy for me as of late. I have tennis tryouts coming up, and tons of violin stuff too and I can't wait for it all. Very sorry if these chapters have been getting boring guys, I'll do my best to pick it up. Anyway, enjoy the chapter for today guys.


As the alarms went off, Ash and Cynthia prepared for the waves of Grunts to come rushing in. Cynthia switched her Lucario out for Garchomp while Ash quickly turned around and grabbed the container that the red orb was kept in and put it in his suit pocket. As Ash slipped it into his pocket, the door bursted open and the first wave of grunts came in.

"Pikachu, use thunderbolt!" Ash commanded. Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder and unleashed a huge burst of electricity causing the 5 grunts and their Pokemon to go down.

"Let's go," Cynthia called to Ash after peaking out the door to make sure that the coast was clear. Ash followed Cynthia out the door and down the stairs. They got down one flight of stairs before they were once again surrounded. However, this time there were a lot more than 5 grunts. There were around 20 of them and the partners could see more rushing up the stairs. Ash and Cynthia had no choice but to try and fight their way through the sea of henchmen.

"Garchomp, dragon claw," Cynthia called. Garchomp ran through the crowd, slashing at every Pokemon that came at him.

"Greninja, water shuriken!" Ash called. Greninja put its 2 hands together and formed 2 water shurikens. He proceeded to throw it at the incoming Pokemon and grunts. At the same time, Pikachu was sending thunderbolts to back up the 2 Pokemon. But it still wasn't enough. Garchomp and Greninja were constantly getting bombarded by the Pokemon. Whenever they took down one, another would come up and hit them from behind. Ash took a step back to talk to Cynthia.

"We're in a tough spot here, got any ideas?" Ash asked.

"Just keep trying, we'll break their defenses eventually," Cynthia replied.

"Got it," Ash said. He started to reach for another pokeball before Cynthia stopped him.

"At this point, it is so hectic that if we send out more Pokemon, we run the risk of hurting our own," Cynthia said. Ash and Cynthia were able to make a little more progress through the crowd. However, their Pokemon were quickly tiring out. Ash knew Greninja couldn't hold up much longer so he called out a command.

"Greninja, back up. Pikachu, take his place for a second." Greninja instantly reacted and stepped off of the front line where Pikachu took his place. Once Greninja got back to Ash, he looked at him quizzingly. Ash just gave him a smile and Greninja realized what Ash wanted to do.

Greninja started to run back to the front lines. As he was running however, he was covered in a veil of water. Everyone turned to see what the sudden twister of water came from, and Cynthia took the opportunity to mega evolve her Garchomp. Once the water dissipated, everyone could see a giant water shuriken on his back. Greninja and Garchomp ran back into battle taking out the Pokemon one by one. They were able to clear out the floor and made it down 2 more before they were once again stopped. This time, the grunts were even more prepared and had much more stronger Pokemon.

"What are we going to do? Our Pokemon are already hurt from the other battle," Ash said. Cynthia didn't respond. She just clenched her teeth in frustration.

Suddenly, Ash heard some static in his earpiece and a clear voice came through. "Hey Ashy-boy, looks like you could use some help."

An explosion occurred on the side of the room. Pokemon and grunts near the wall were blasted away. Ash could see 3 people in suits similar to what he was wearing. One was riding a mega Metagross and the other 2 were riding a Staraptor. Taking advantage of the distraction, Ash and Cynthia commanded their Pokemon to move forward.

After clearing out the floor, Ash and Cynthia ran up to the three figures.

"Gary! You guys could not have come at a better time," Cynthia said.

"Yeah, sorry it took us so long. First we had to change into our suits and then they have like a huge army outside so it took us a while to take them out and get over here. They took out most of my Pokemon though, I only have Blastoise left and Steven only has Metagross and Aggron left."

"Um...Gary," Ash said.


"I know that the two of you were coming, so who's the third person?" Ash asked.

"Uh... well, you see, that's-"

"Me." Serena said, interrupting Gary. Ash stood there speechless for a moment before he exploded in anger.


"Hey, it's not my fault! She stole my Fearow and followed us," Gary said. Ash looked over to Serena who gave him a nod.

"Sorry to bother, but I hope that the reunion is over because we have to get moving again," Steven interrupted.

"Fine," Ash growled, "We'll talk about this later."

They made their way down to the very last floor and were faced with the barricade that Gary and Steven warned them about. Gary sent out his Blastoise and quickly mega evolved it. Then the trainers commanded their Pokemon to go in. Serena was about to send Fennekin in, but Ash stopped her.

"You are already too involved in this, I'm not gonna let you send Fennekin out there," Ash said.

"I did it earlier with Gary and Steven," She protested.

"Well now we have me and Cynthia. I'm not going to let you or Fennekin get hurt. Please Serena,"

"Fine," Serena huffed.

"Thank you," Ash said giving her a smile. "Just watch the back in case anyone get behind us,"

Ash turned back to the battle in front of him. Pokemon were going down left and right. He could see Hunter J at the entrance commanding her henchmen to keep fighting.


"HOLD THE BARRIER DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE," Hunter J screamed at her henchmen. She was trying to hold the last point of the secret base. If they get past this point, there were no more henchmen or Pokemon to keep them from escaping.

"Miss," Hunter J heard a voice say to her left. She turned to see one of her admins. "We can't hold this for much longer. Let's pull everyone back."

"No," Hunter J said calmly.


"I said no!" She repeated.

"But we are about to lose even more men."

"I have an idea, hold the barricade. I'll be back."


"We're almost out!" Gary said as his Blastoise shot another Golbat out of the air.

"Come on then, one last push," Steven said. The trainers pushed forward and were about 30 yards away from the barricade when Serena heard a crash off to the side. She turned to see Hunter J commanding her Salamence to use hyper beam and pointing right at her. She stood there frozen in fear and shock, and all she could was stare at the bright beam headed right towards her.

Everything was in slow motion. Serena heard someone yell her name from behind and felt a shove. Serena fell to the the ground. She looked up to see Ash standing in the path of the beam with his arms crossed over his chest to help protect him from the blow. Then she watched him get blasted across the room and into the wall.


A/N: See I told you guys that I will try to make things more interesting. So how'd you guys like it? Good? Bad? You wanna kill me? Anyways, that's all I've got, see you guys next week. This is Amourshipper signing off for now, bye bye.

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