Persistence Is Key

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A/N: Ok, ok I know. Incredibly late update. I am really sorry guys, school is kicking my butt right now. I'm off for 2 weeks next week though so that is hype. Anyways, I won't keep you guys waiting for much longer. Enjoy the chapter guys.


"I am here to see him," Hunter J said as she approached the huge door to a base and handed a card to the grunt out in front. The grunt looked over the card before stepping aside.

"Very well ma'am, you may proceed," he said. Hunter J walked through the entrance and entered the bustling base. She made her way pass the front garden and went into the main building and went down a long hallway. Hunter J walked up to a heavily guarded door and was stopped by the two guards on duty. 

"Sorry miss but only admins are allowed in here," he said blocking the door.

"Let her in," a voice from the inside of the room called out to the guard the was blocking the door. He quickly stepped aside and Hunter J continued into the room. When she entered she saw a red headed man sitting behind his desk. She walked up to the desk, taking a red orb from her pocket at the same time and setting it on the desk.

"So, I see you were finally able to take that orb from that Aria girl," He said picking up the orb and inspecting it.

"Yes, it took me a while but I was able to retrieve it," She replied.

"Excellent, this is just the thing that I was looking for," 

"Ok then, I brought you what you wanted now give me what I want," Hunter J said.

"You've only completed half of the deal so far, I'll give it to you when the rest is complete," The red haired man said.

"Fine then," Hunter J said getting up from her seat. "I'll be going then."

"You know what else I want. You'll get what was promised once I get what I want."


(1 Month Later)

"Come on Serena, the winter performance is coming up soon. This could be your chance to show what we've been training for," Ash pleaded. 

"Ash, for the last time no. I don't think I'm ready to go up on stage yet," Serena said firmly.

"But Serenaaaaa," Ash whined.

"No Ash, I'm not going to do it," Serena said turning away from Ash.

"Come on Serena, what's the worst the could happen?" Ash asked.

"I could embarrass myself on stage, get laughed at, hide away from society for 30 years, then never get into a decent collage because I skipped out on school, and end up living in a cardboard box with nothing but Pokemon food to eat," Serena said. Ash blinked a couple of times to register what she had said before replying. 

"Wow, you've really thought that through," Ash commented. "But don't worry, if you fail on stage you won't have to eat Pokemon food. I'll bring you some cookies once in a while."

"Gee, thanks Ash," Serena said sarcastically.

"No problem," Ash said before he realized that she was being sarcastic. "Oh, that was sarcasm wasn't it."

"Yup," Serena said as she turned around and started to head home. 

"I'm gonna get you to do that performance if it's the last thing I do," Ash shouted after her as she walked off.

"La la la, I can't hear you," Serena shouted back as she rounded the corner and disappeared from Ash's sight. Ash rolled his eyes from her childish behavior. 

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