The Lumiose Halloween Festival

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A/N: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR HITTING 1000 VIEWS. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT LIKE OMA. I can't thank you guys enough for this milestone. You guys have made my week. I have a ton of thank yous to give out which will be on the bottom. But, one thank you that I will give out up here, is a thank you to all you guys. All you guys who have read this book. You guys are all amazing and awesome in your own way. Also, I hope you guys enjoy Ash first "mission" chapter. And I put a reference to another story in here if you can catch it I'll give you a shoutout. With that, you guys enjoy this chapter.


A man with spiky red hair was walking down the street. He made his way to an abandoned building and entered it. It was pitch black, and there was nothing but broken furniture and old boxes inside.

"Didn't think you'd show up," A dark figure in the corner of the room said.

"Humph," The man scoffed.

"What do you need," The figure said deciding to get right to the point.

"I need this," The man said taking out a picture of a glowing red gem.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" The figure asked with contempt. "I haven't done anything for you for years what made you want to come crawling back?"

"That is none of your business, I just need this gem," The man said.

"And what if I say no?" The figure said.

"You won't," the man said simply.

"Fine, I'll work for you, but you know what I want," the figure said. The man smiled at this.

"Yes I do,"


It has been a month since the hangout. Ash and Serena have been practicing her performance everyday. She was slowly getting better, but now the group was getting ready for the upcoming Lumiose Halloween festival. The Lumiose Halloween festival happens once a year and always attracts a lot of tourists there at that time of year. The festival has rides, booths and games just like most festivals. Dawn, Drew, Barry, May, Misty, Serena, Clemont, Sawyer, Gary and Ash were at their meet up place after school at the moment.

"So what are you going as tomorrow for the Halloween festival?" May asked Serena.

"Um, I don't know," She replied "I usually don't go."

"Wait why don't you go? It's sooooo fun!" Dawn said.

"I went when I was younger with my mom and dad," Serena said, "But, they got busier as I got older and I had no one to go with so I just didn't go."

"Well you are coming with us this year," Misty said grabbing her arm. Misty started to pull her along with her.

"Where are we going?" Serena asked.

"We are going to the mall. We can't go to a Halloween festival without a costume can we?" She replied.

"You guys coming?" Misty asked everyone else.

"Sure," everyone but Ash and Gary said.

"Sorry guys, but Gary and I have something to do," Ash said apologetically. "I don't think we can even make it to the Halloween festival."

"Aww, why not you haven't even gone to one yet," Dawn complained, "At least Gary went last year."

"Yeah, sorry about that guys," Ash said, "At least you won't have Gary there to get us kicked out of anything."

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