The Idiot Squad

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A/N: *Pant Pant* Finally I climbed out of that stupid basement. If you guys are worried about me don't be. Be worried about Icecore I have a bus that I am ready to throw at him (hope you guys get the reference). Also, if you guys saw that I posted something yesterday, that was Icecore. He accidentally posted chap 6 which he was editing. For those of you who already read it whoops. I removed it right away so for those of you who haven't have fun waiting til next week MAHAHAHA. Anyways, as always I hope you enjoy this chapter. FunFact: This chapter is named after my squad at school.


(Timeskip to lunch) 

Ash and Gary had just finished gym class and were making their way out.

"Ugh, I can't believe that stupid coach made me run 10 laps around the field," Gary complained.

"Well, you may have not had to run them if you'd stop flirting with every girl that asked for my autograph," Ash replied rubbing Pikachu's cheek.

"Hey, I can't help it if all the girls are hot," Gary retorted. Ash sighed at Gary's reply and just kept walking.

"What's up next today?" Ash asked.

"We have lunch next," Gary said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? I'm gonna starve to death if we don't hurry," Ash grabbed Gary's arm and dragged him through the crowd of people in front of them.


"Waiting in that line was the longest thing that I have ever done in my life," Ash complained. In the line Ash and Gary were somehow stuck in between Miette and Calem. Between Miette's flirting and Calem's glare, Ash felt very uncomfortable. He was about to tell Pikachu to thunderbolt both of them just to get them to stop.  

"That should have been me Miette was flirting with," Gary said, "Thanks for stealing my thunder." 

"Whatever, I was just about to have Pikachu use thunder on them. So, are we going to meet your friends?" Ash asked. 

"Yeah, we usually hang out over there," Gary said pointing at a large shady spot below a tree. Ash could already see 2 girls sitting there with 3 other boys. He recognized one of the girls as Dawn. The other girl had brown hair, with a red bandanna on top and a red T-shirt. She also had on red shorts with yellow tennis shoes. 

One of the boys had blonde hair and large glasses. He wore a light blue jumpsuit and had a large backpack on. The second boy had green hair, he also had an orange necktie on a green vest with yellow buttons. He also wore baggy beige shorts. The last boy also had green hair. He also had on purple coat with a black undershirt and blue pants. 

Gary and Ash made their way over to the group. Dawn was the first one to see the two making their way over to them. She quickly got up and ran over to the two. 

"Hey Dawn," Ash said waving at her.

"Hi Ash!" Dawn said. She pushed Gary aside and started dragging Ash over to the group. Gary glared at her then quickly followed her to where everyone was sitting. When Ash got over to the group their eyes widened at what they saw. 

"NO WAY," The girl with the red bandanna yelled. 

"Dawn told me that Ash Ketchum was coming to this school but I thought that she was just drunk," The blonde boy said. When Dawn heard this she shot a glare at him and he took a step back.

"Hi Ash, I'm May," The girl with the red bandanna said excitedly. 

"I'm Sawyer," the boy with the green vest said.

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