Someone New

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A/N: Well guys I hoped that you've been enjoying this story so far. I'm think of starting to update this story more often I feel like once a week isn't long enough what do you guys think? Anyways, as always I will gladly accept any criticism for my grammar or spelling or what ever and of course enjoy chapter 3. Also, I love the pic above SERENA IS SOOOOOOO CUUUUTEE WHY GET RID OF HER?!?!?!?! LIKE COME ON HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER?!?!?!


"FLETCH-LING," Fletchling chirped as he pecked Serena's face trying to wake her up for school.

"OW OW OW," Serena yelled swatting her hands trying to push Fletchling away.

"How many times do I have to tell you?!" Serena shouted at Fletchling, "DON'T WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT." Serena then got out of bed and got ready for school. She decided to not wear her usual outfit and put on some dark jeans, a plain T-shirt and a sky blue hoodie. She made her way down stairs to see a bag with a note on the counter from her mom. 

I had to leave for work early today. I hope you don't mind just eating cereal today. And be sure to not forget your lunch. -Mom

Serena sighed and grabbed the cereal from the cabinet and poured herself a bowl. She took out a pokeball and released Fennekin. 

"Morning Fennekin, how would you like some breakfast?" Serena asked.

"Fen Fennekin," Fennekin replied. Serena took out the pokemon food and poured it into Fennekin's food bowl. Afterwards Serena put her bowl in the sink and made her way to the bus stop.


Serena arrived at school to see a huge crowd around a person. She couldn't make out who everyone was crowded around, so she made her way to the table set up to get her schedule carrying Fennekin in her arms. 

"Hi there, what's your name?" the teacher working the table asked.

"I'm Serena Yvonne," She said quietly. The teacher looked for her name for a minute and handed her the schedule.

"Thank you," she quietly said. Serena looked at her schedule and saw that she had science first. 

"Room 503 hmm," she said to herself. Once she found the classroom she went inside. She realized that she was the first one there.

"Hello there," a blonde man said. "I am Mr.Smith," Mr.Smith wore a long sleeve red button up shirt with light brown khakis. He also wore dark brown shoes. He had a medium build and looked to be about 30 years old.

"Hi Sir," Serena shyly replied. She made her way to the back of the class and set her stuff on the desk.


Serena was starting out the window thinking about what today was going to be like when she heard something plop down behind her. She turned around to see Ash Ketchum behind her. She felt her eyes widen and her pulse quickening in nervousness. 


She stared at him for a full second before he grinned and extended his hand out to her.

"Hi I'm Ash. What's your name?" He asked.

"I-I'm Serena," Serena said quietly and shook his hand. Serena noticed that the rest of the class was looking at her with jealousy. 

"Hello class and welcome to-" Mr.Smith was abruptly cut off by a group of fan girls trying to get closer to Ash. 

"Look, I know that we have a famwous celebrity in our class," He started "But in my class he will just be another student. Because it is the first day I will let you off with a warning, but if this happens again you will be reporting to the principal."

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