A Day At Serena's

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A/N: Hey guys not much to say here on top just wanna say I hope you guys enjoy and remember to comment on any mistakes. On the bottom will be a rant but if you haven't watched episode 45 yet or don't want spoilers don't read it.


"Almost there Ash," Serena encouraged, "Just up the hill."

"Ugh," Ash groaned, "If I ever hurt myself you better carry me to my house."

"Hehe," Serena giggled, "We'll see about that."

Ash lugged his way up the hill carrying Pikachu and Serena. Once he reached Serena's house he gently put her down on the bench out front and plopped down beside her.

"So, *Pant Pant* can you open the door? *Pant*" Ash asked Serena.

"Um, yeah sure just let me get my keys," Serena said as she reached into he pocket. She pulled out her keys and gave it to Ash who unlocked the door. Ash then carried Serena inside and set her on the couch. Ash propped Serena's leg up on the coffee table and Pikachu jumped off of Ash's head and onto Serena's lap.

Serena's house was decorated like most houses. She had a coffee table in front of the couch and a T.V behind the coffee table. Off to the side was a room that Ash guessed was the kitchen.

"Looks like someone likes you," Ash said smiling.

"Yeah I guess," Serena said stroking Pikachu's fur, "Thanks for everything Ash,"

"It was nothing," Ash said with a grin.

"So, are you going now?" Serena asked a little sadly.

"Are you serious?" Ash asked, "You hurt your knee and can't walk, I'm staying with you until your mom gets back."

"What about Gary?" Serena asked.

"He can wait, it would do him some good to have to be the one waiting for once," Ash said. Serena blushed from what Ash was saying.

He is putting me above Gary? Wow, I can't believe he dropped everything to help me. Serena thought in to herself. What she didn't realized that as she thought that, she was blushing even harder.

"Serena? Did you catch a fever?" Ash said when he saw Serena's blush.

"W-What? Er, no I-I feel fine," She stammered.

"Are you sure?" Ash reached up to put his hand on her forehead. Causing Serena's face to go even redder. "You don't feel any different. Why don't I get an ice pack for your knee?"

"Y-Yeah sure thank you so much,"

"No problem you don't have to keep saying that you know," Ash said with a grin.

"I know but, still you kinda just dropped everything you were planning to do today just to help me. I really appreciate it Ash,"

"Well, I can't leave you alone now could I? I know you will just go and hurt yourself," Ash started to make his way to the kitchen, where the ice packs were, and promptly tripped over the coffee table.

"I'm the one who might hurt myself?" Serena said raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah, who carried you here?" Ash countered getting up and dusting himself off.

"Pikachu did," Serena joked stroking Pikachu's soft fur.

"Chuuu," Pikachu said and gave Ash a smug smile and stood up pretending to flex its muscles.

"You know what no ketchup for you tonight," Ash said sternly. Pikachu then gave Ash a death glare, sparked his cheeks and looked ready to kill.

"Actually I take that back, you can have your ketchup tonight," Ash said raising his arms in submission causing Serena to giggle. Ash went and found where the ice packs were. When Ash got back he placed it on her knee and sat down next to her on the couch.

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