Mission Start

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the late upload today. I usually write the chapter the day before it comes out. But yesterday, I had to study for finals which are next week. So, I kinda had to type it all up today. Anyways, hope you all enjoy the chapter.


"Ash, wake up. We're here," Cynthia said nudging him. Ash's eyes slowly opened and he slowly sat up.

"Ash, can you text Gary and tell him that we're here? The plan was to originally you and I go scout out the base and then come back. Then we'd go all together, but, I took a look around the town and there are goons everywhere. We have to stay hidden," Cynthia said.

"Sure," Ash said, reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. Only to feel nothing there.

"Shoot," Ash muttered, "Cynthia I think I left it at home."

"It's fine, we'll have the pilot inform him," Cynthia said.

"Ok, sorry about the trouble,"

"It's fine. But, we have to move before anyone here recognizes us," Cynthia said exiting the plane. Ash got up and swiftly followed with Pikachu on his shoulder. Cynthia sent out her Staraptor and got on it, while Ash sent out Charizard.

As they were about to take off, Cynthia yelled over to Ash. "Just follow me, I have my GPS locked on the coordinates."

"Got it," Ash shouted back, "Hold on tight." He said to Pikachu who was sitting in front of him.

"Pika," Pikachu said affirmatively. Ash saw Cynthia's Staraptor take off and his Charizard followed closely behind.


Serena was running out of the stadium with her phone in her hand and Fennekin following not too far behind.

"Come on Ash. Come on pick up," She muttered to herself as the phone rang. It got sent to voicemail and Serena gave out a frustrated groan.

"How hard is it to apologize to someone?" She muttered under her breath. She made her way to the plaza to see Gary mounting his Fearow.

"GARY," She shouted trying to catch his attention. Gary looked at her when he heard his named called.

"Serena?" Gary asked surprised. "I thought you went home with the others, what are you doing here?"

"I could be asking you the same question," Serena shot back at him.

"I was helping to clean up," Gary said.

"Ok. Gary, do you know where Ash is?" Serena asked.

"Erm, no. He kinda left without a word. I'm heading back to my house, want me to drop you off at yours?" Gary asked.

"Wait, is Ash at your house?" Serena asked.

"I don't know," Gary said with a shrug. "We both come and go to each other's house. Sometimes we are there when the other person isn't. So he might be there."

"Can I come with you to your house then? It's not too far from mine, I can just walk home,"

"Um, ok sure. Hop on," Gary said shifting forward to leave more room for Serena.

"Thanks Gary," Serena said as she mounted on Fearow and returned Fennekin.

"No problem. Why do you wanna see Ash so badly anyways?" Gary asked.

"We kinda had a fall out," Serena said looking down again. "He was trying to help after I lost, and I yelled at him. We ended up fighting and he left. I'm trying to find him so that I can apologize."

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