Chapter 67: Feelings Gone But Not Forgotten

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"JENNIFER STOP!" He demanded, setting the pills on a counter far from my reach, and pinning my arms to my sides to keep me in place, "trust me...."

He let go and I stood still as he grabbed the bottle once more. He scooped the stray capsules inside, and took the bottle over to the toilet. I had been crying since I got to the hotel room, and I couldn't take much more.

My vision was blurry from the tears. I wiped my eyes and watched as Colin dumped the pills into the toilet. One by one, the colorful capsules trickled down, and flushed into oblivion.

He tossed the empty bottle in the trash can and turned to face me. I had never seen him cry like this before. The look on his face was heart-wrenching as I walked over and squeezed him tightly.

He fell apart in my arms and cried into my shoulder.

"Come on Colin," I said quietly, pulling away from him, "let's go sit down..."

He nodded and walked out of the bathroom. I took a second to recuperate before exiting to see where he had gone. He was lying on the bed and I went over to sit on the side next to him, and saw that the bottle of rum was now on the nightstand.

"You shouldn't drink anymore ton—"

"Where did I go wrong Jen?" He asked abruptly, as I was still getting myself situated.

"You didn't Colin—"

"Then why doesn't she love me?"

I scooted closer to him and he put his head in my chest. His arms wrapped around me while I reached over him to grab the bottle of rum.

I took a swig and replied, "she doesn't realize what she lost. You haven't given her enough time to see how great you really are... I should know what that's like..."

I downed a few more gulps before feeling a little dizzy and placing the bottle back on the night stand.

"What do you mean Jen?" He asked, lifting his head and loosening his grip on my waist.

"I just mean that she needs time to—"

"You sound like you're speaking from personal experience..."

I tensed up and broke eye contact with him.

"I dont know, maybe I am..."

He gawked at me for a while longer before I decided to speak again.

"Colin... I think you've forgotten that I used to be your Savannah..."

He reached up and turned my face towards him so that I had no choice but to look into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Jen," he whimpered quietly.

"It's fine Colin... Just next time, when Savannah comes crawling back like I guarantee she will, make sure Ryan doesn't walk in and ruin anything," I suggested, grabbing the rum once more.

I put the bottle to my lips and Colin grabbed it from my hand.

"That's enough Jen..."

He shifted upwards some so that we were eye level with each other. Looking at his face, I could tell how broken he still was, but it was better than how he acted when I first got here.

Colin was still staring at me, like he needed to say something, but couldn't find the words, and I couldn't find the will power to break eye contact with him. Before I knew it, my head was tilted in the opposite direction of his in a slow, passionate kiss.

I couldn't stop myself as my hands traveled and pulled him closer to me.

You just got married. Your husband is leaving tomorrow. You love Reece...

No matter what I told myself, I couldn't pull away from the ruggedness of Colin's body. He gripped me tighter and within moments, clothes were on the floor.

This was happening... This was what should've happened that day Ryan walked in... This is what I wanted from the start...

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