Chapter 9- Charge

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I stood up and went behind him placing my hands on his shoulders.

He looked so worn out. Well I was also worn out dealing with his mood swings and what not.

"Phoebe, you should leave," I ignored him gently kneading his shoulders like dough, except his shoulders were firm like steel.

He grabbed my hand then spun me in front of him making me land on his lap.

"What-" I was about to say, but then gawked at his mesmerising but exhausted eyes.

"When was the last time you slept?" I asked genuinely worried about him.

"It doesn't matter," He whispered leaning against my neck.

"Aaron, you need to sleep, please, for your good health and for me," I added in the last part hoping the bond will somehow manipulate him to listen to me, I am his soulmate after all.

"I can't sleep, not without your touch." His husky tone sent shivers down my spine.

I guess the bond was also making him yearn for me just as I was yearning for him.

"I don't know if I can," I admitted, feeling a little but awkward.

I still haven't completely forgiven him, it will take some time and I also want to hear a better apology.

"You're right. Just leave, I need to complete all this," He smoothly pushed me off of him as I stood.

"Aaron, you need to sleep, just sleep in my bed as my scent is all over the place." I persuaded urgently.

"Phoebe, go, " What am I, your dog?

"Aaron! Listen to me for goodness sake!" I huffed crossing my arms as I told him off. "As an Alpha, you need to take care of yourself for the pack,"

"And as an Alpha, I have to take care of them by protecting them from the Rogue King and every other danger so you really need to leave or I'll be tempted to do something I may or may not regret later on," His voice boomed making my heart flinch a little.

Anger boiled within me. How dare he!? I grabbed him by the shoulders our faces nearly touching and threatened him.

Pathetic I know.

"No, you listen to me Alpha! Either you take care of yourself or I will do something I will not regret later on," I growled creasing my brow challenging him.

Unexpectedly Aaron smirked.

"Fine," he agreed.

I'm shocked. I thought he would put up a fight or do something that'll piss me off but- he agreed?

I hesitantly let go of him. "After your nap, can we go for a run?" I asked hopefully as my wolf yipped in joy.

"Sure." I smiled thanking him.

"So my Queen... I need some sleep," He mischievously lowered his eyes slowly lifting the side of his luscious lips. My face burned warm flames.

What does he want now?

"I know, and?" I replied curious of his change in demeanour.

"Won't you join me? Keep me some company and I'll make your night pleasurable as it can be," He suggested, placing his hands on my waist bringing me closer to him. I gulped staring at his lips.

He moved breathing in my ear slightly tickling me.

"I'd love to hear you beg for my dick as I stroke your body with my lips in ecstasy. I want to do dangerous things to you so you'll never even dream about touching yourself when you have me... What you say, you'd like that?" I gasped at his low whisper feeling a rush tingle to the middle of my legs. Shit. What is he doing to me?

My Alpha's Hatred ✔ {PUBLISHED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin