Twenty Two

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Her hair was long, as far as Jimin could tell as it floated around her. Her feet weren't touching the floor he noticed, she was hovering above it, motionless. The woman's expression was fowl, angry. She was faded and he could barely make out the details of her thin body. He could see through her blue hue to the wall behind her.

"You see her?" Jungkook had to make sure he was hearing Jimin correctly. "You can see her right now?"

Jimin nodded slowly and he continued to back towards the door. "We need to get out of here." He hissed. He didn't know what good it would even do. He didn't really even know if it was her, the thing from their apartment. How did she follow them? How was it possible? He didn't care, he just wanted to get out. "Come on, Jungkook."

Jimin turned to open the door that had, just moments before, clicked closed behind them. He had been happy to enter the warmth of the hotel, but now all he craved for was the crisp outdoors to flee from the woman that was boring a hole into the back of his head. He could feel her stare as he pushed the metal handle down on the door and pulled it open. Jimin looked behind him and crossed the threshold into the hallway, holding the door open for Jungkook. He waved with his other hand for the younger man to hurry.

Jungkook looked to his hyung and moved to follow him. He didn't really know what was going on, but he trusted it was something he didn't want to stick around for to find out for himself. He made it a few feet away from Jimin who had stayed the few extra seconds before he planned to race to the elevator and make his escape, only to hold the door for Jungkook to come with him. Jungkook glanced behind him once more as he was reaching his hand to take the weight of the door from Jimin. He had felt a strong, cold gust of wind on his back.

He missed the horror in Jimin's eyes. "No!" Jimin shouted. Jungkook whipped his head back to watch as the older man lost his hold on the door, pushed away from it by something, someone, Jungkook couldn't see. Jimin crumpled to the ground against the opposite wall of the hallway. He struggled to pull himself back up and reached his hand out for Jungkook to take. "Get out!" His voice echoed through the empty hallways.

Jungkook lunged to catch the door, but it slammed hard before him, vibrating the frame. He gripped tightly to the handle and pushed as hard as he could. It wouldn't budge. Jungkook's eyes flickered to the turn lock on the door. Unlocked. His thoughts raced. He heard Jimin's fists on the other side of the door, banging on it relentlessly.

"Jungkook, can you hear me?" Jimin wailed. He grabbed the handle and tried to pull it back open. "Unlock the door!"

Jungkook shook his head as tears began to collect in his eyes. "It's not locked!" He screamed back. He jiggled the handle again, but it wasn't moving. The cold breeze returned on his back. He felt a frigid cluster of icy fingers trace a slow line from the back of his neck to the lower of his back. Jungkook spun around and backed into he door. He could feel the pounding of Jimin's fists and he could hear the fear in Jimin's voice as he called out to him. "Open the door!"

He couldn't open the door and Jimins voice faded from his senses as he finally saw her. She was positioned before him, only a couple of feet separating his body and her floating presence. He looked up to her face as a shiver rattled through him when he saw it. She was smiling.

She was wispy, pieces of her disappearing without any sharp edges. Jungkook could see straight through her. He held onto the door handle for some kind of comfort. He didn't want to see her, but he couldn't look away. Her expression changed and he could see her blue lips moving when she opened them to speak. Her voice was as wintry as her appearance, cold as her breath reached his cheeks.

"Why do you cry?" Her words surrounded him, making him catch his breath in his throat. They floated into his ear and Jungkook realized that she was asking him a question. This thing that had been grieving them was trying to make conversation? He looked away from her.

His response must have frustrated her. She moved closer to him and he could feel those same icy fingers again on his arm. "I found you." She whispered close to him, but she sounded so far away. Her voice was muffled and full of so much sadness that Jungkook felt a wave of empathy wash over him. He looked to her again and caught her down cast eyes staring back into his.

Her face was young, her hair dropping down around her in lazy strands that covered half of her face. It was long, reaching passed her waist in straight lines down her body. She came closer to him. "Are you afraid?"

Jungkook swallowed. He knew his fear must be evident on his face. He didn't want to encourage her by speaking, but she was leaving him without a comfortable choice in the matter. He nodded. "W-who are you?" Jungkook stuttered.

She leaned away from him, her expression changing again into one of rage. Her once dead, straight locks of hair rose around her head, revealing her furrowed eyebrows and scrunched up nose, Jungkook noticed the beauty in her features as she growled at him. "You have forgotten me?"

Jungkook shook his head. Her voice was heavy with malice. He felt his hand going numb from the pressure he was applying to the door handle. He couldn't hear Jimin at the door anymore and his stomach lurched at the thought of being alone with her. He was trapped.

"You replaced me." She hissed at him. Her eyes were shrouded in an abundance of hatred then as she rose higher from the ground and engulfed him faster than he could blink again. A sharp, bitter cold hit Jungkook in the chest. He looked down to see her hand over his heart, her chill seeping into his skin and freezing him at his core. "You abandoned me."

"No," Jungkook whispered and he felt his breath leaving his body. He gasped as her fingers pressed into his chest. He could feel them like knifes in his heart. "I'm not who you're looking for." He could feel her emotions inside of him, her sadness, her yearning. He could feel the betrayal she was suffering, unwillingness to forgive a love that had betrayed her trust. "It's not me." Jungkook cried.

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