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Just as Jimin had predicted, it had been a long day. A very long and exhausting day. Telling his parents without any warning of his departure from their home was shocking, to say the least. He couldn't give them a whole lot of details as to why he was suddenly leaving the nest, but he said what he could, giving them the excuse that Jungkook didn't love living on his own as much as he had anticipated he would. Which wasn't exactly untrue, it just wasn't the entire truth.

The pair crumpled their worn out bodies into the two seater sofa. They didn't say a word to one another, just sat motionless and aching from every joint in their bodies. So much furniture. So many stairs.

Jimin had left most of his room furniture behind, he was thankful for as he could feel all the muscles in his legs and arms screaming for a hot bath. They managed to squeeze both of their beds into Jungkook's room, side by side, with some extra space for walking in between. It wasn't too bad of a set up in the end. Jimin was tired, he wanted to encase himself in his nicely made sheets and sleep for hours, but he really needed that bath.

"I'm going to go wash up." The elder patted Jungkook's thigh and convinced his body to get up from the cushiony couch. A slow nod was his only response and he made his way to the bathroom.

Jungkook took advantage of the space Jimin had freed for him and he sprawled his long limbs across the sofa. He needed to clean up too, but his stomach was begging for food. As tired as he was, there wasn't a chance he had it in him to go through the trouble of cooking. Even making a simple sandwich or two sounded like torture. Instead he opted for pulling out his phone and dialing the nearest sushi delivery restaurant to do the work for him. He decided that it was only fair for him to treat Jimin to dinner, hoping to make things a little better between them after their earlier minor altercation.

He was almost dozing off when a loud knock on the front door startled him into an upright position. Jungkook surveyed the living room, expecting to see something out of the ordinary. He jumped when the knocking came again and he realized it was his food. Jungkook sighed, relieved.

He gave the delivery boy his tip and took their dinner to the kitchen, placing it carefully on the counter. Jimin was still in the bathroom, so he decided to eat without him. His stomach was growling and Jimin had a record of long bathroom visits.

It was late, so nothing but reruns played on the Television. Jungkook didn't really care, too focused on not choking when he was eating so fast. He couldn't really remember the last time he'd eaten, or if he had eaten at all for the day. He heard Jimin coming out of the bathroom as he was swallowing down his last bits of food. "Mm," He grumbled. "Food is in the kitchen. I had sushi delivered."

Jimin shuffled towards him instead. He stopped next to the sofa and peered down at Jungkook's empty container. "Oh." He mumbled. "Thanks."

Jungkook waved a hand at him to dismiss him. "I'm about to go shower. What's left is yours."

The taller sauntered off to take his turn at the bathroom, leaving Jimin to himself. The uneasy churning in his stomach returned the moment he heard the bathroom door closing behind his friend. He huffed. The annoying feeling of dread was something he thought he had gotten rid of.

Through the bad feeling he was doomed to just live with, Jimin heard his stomach begging for him to eat. They had skipped breakfast and had only taken a few snacks here and there from his mom as they moved all of his belongings out. With a heavy mind and an empty stomach, Jimin trudged into the very room he blamed for all of his stomach problems. He hadn't been able to come up with a logical explanation yet, but he tried to free his mind from all thoughts of it as he passed the threshold to enter into the kitchen. Ghosts don't exist.

Jimin took his food into the living room. He couldn't find anything interesting to watch so he opted for turning off the Television instead. Quiet was nice sometimes anyway. He listened to his own chewing for a while, letting his thoughts run wild as he devoured his meal. Maybe there was a spontaneous Earth quake and we just didn't feel it. He reasoned with that explanation for a moment. Maybe the hinges on the cabinets all came loose at the same exact time. He tried another. What about the pot?

His head was beginning to hurt. He remembered packing some Tylenol in his overnight bag he had half thrown together the night before. Just as Jimin was standing to go retrieve it, a light in front of him caught his attention. The Television. It was on.

Jimin looked down at the coffee table, locating the remote. He hadn't touched it. He lifted his eyes back up to the Television. The show Jungkook had been watching before was playing. Joyful music tickled his ears, but the sickening feeling returned, much worse than before. He watched the characters laughing, acting out their roles through the screen. It seemed normal, nothing was different than he remembered when he watched this show before. But why was the Television on? Without hesitation, the channel changed, displaying another popular sitcom. The same overplayed laughter sounded through the room. Jimin backed up, falling back into the sofa cushions.

He scrambled to pick himself up, his heart starting to race wildly in his chest. "What the fuck." Jimin whispered and his words sounded like gunshots to his own ears. His ears, they were ringing. What is going on? What the fuck is going on? This felt worse than the kitchen thing, this was happening in front of him.

Jimin's eyes were glued to the Television, and suddenly it turned off. He heard the bathroom door swing open and Jungkook emerged from a cloud of steam.

The younger raised an eyebrow at his fear stricken hyung, following his hell bent stare. My Television? He questioned inwardly. He looked back at Jimin who was backing away from the living room. Jungkook titled his head to the side. "What?"

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