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Jungkook jumped, banging his elbow against the wall behind him. He leaned over, coddling his atrociously injured arm in the other, a yelp fleeing from his lips. He hadn't moved since hanging up with Jimin. It was just better if nothing could sneak up behind him, his back against the wall, exit beside him in case he had to run for it. Jungkook realized the tapping was his friend at the door. His hero.


The door swung open before Jimin, his flushed faced dongsaeng smiling through what looked like pain in his eyes. He shook his head and pushed past the younger, entering the apartment and tossing a half-assed thrown together backpack of stuff on the couch. "Did you hurt yourself?" Jimin buzzed, looking accusingly at Jungkook as the boy glanced down at his shoes.

"Only because you knocked so quietly. It sounded like..." Jungkook trailed off, meeting eye contact with Jimin for just a moment before looking ominously behind him. The elder felt a couple of hairs rise on the back of his neck, but shrugged it off right away. For the thousandth time, he would not let Jungkook's wild imagination effect him. "Like?" Jimin urged, his eyes feeling heavy again, the couch calling out to him so loudly he could barely hear the others quaking response.

"It sounded like the man. The ghost man."

Jimin raked his fingers through his cherry red strands, pulling the ruffled fringe away from his eyes. He couldn't care any less that his hair was a mess, or that he had walked all the way to Jungkook's apartment (a solid 9 minutes at least) in his Pajamas. He knew how impossible a task it was to even attempt changing poor Kookie's mind when it came to the haunting of his apartment. Jimin was just tired. "Let's sleep now." He grumbled, ignoring Jungkook's rambling.

The raven haired man creased his eyebrows in a frown, but the look soon disappeared, replaced with softened eyes. His heartbeat slowed, realizing that he wasn't alone anymore, even if he still feared what could be watching from the shadows. A shiver crept down his spine. "Jimin, come stay in my room."

"The couch is okay for me." Jimin didn't hesitate in making his way to the sofa. He dropped himself back into it's decent enough comfort and splayed his body out to take up all the space. It wasn't a big couch, old and almost ripping at the seams. The color was an ugly faded navy blue, with missing wooden knobs that had once kept it from sitting completely on the floor. Jimin didn't mind it, though. He knew that the age of furniture was something that didn't matter to his friend. Jungkook was an expert at making anything and everything in his home squeaky clean. The sofa cushions smelled heavily of febreeze.

Jungkook looked down at him, lower lip extended just slightly into a half presented pout. Jimin wasn't one to move once he was down, and he knew that. Defeated without even trying, but trying to suck up whatever courage he could absolutely muster up, he moved away from the couch. His room wasn't far from the living room, only ten feet or so from the sofa itself. As Jungkook approached his door, another much more violent shiver snaked through him. The door pushed open and his room was so dark, lights off. He almost remembered purposely leaving them on though.

Ignoring all of this, Jimin's soft and even snores wafting through the apartment, he must have been tired, Jungkook climbed into bed. He made sure the door was open, just in case he needed to scream for Jimin. That thought alone kept him awake for longer than it should have.



"Mmm," Jungkook grumbled. He heard a muffled voice calling to him, an annoying tapping pulling him from sleep. "Kookie. Jungkook, wake up. Open the door."

Jimin. Why was Jimin bothering him so early? He felt like he only slept for an hour. What time was it? The tapping got louder. Knocking, he was knocking now.

Jungkook's eyes snapped open. He remembered, as he looked up to see the wooden door not as he left it. The boy shuffled in his bed, pulling the blankets from his body to toss them to his side. He climbed off of the crumpled sheets and stepped to the door, gripping it's handle. Locked. The word resounded in his head and Jungkook felt the air leave his lungs. He pressed the lock button, popping it out to unlock the door. It felt like a long minute, until he turned the doorknob and pulled open the door. Jimin was there, eyebrow raised with a half smirk on his stupid lips.

"You asked me to sleep in your room last night, and then you lock the door behind you when you go to sleep?" The older boy challenged, chuckling not so quietly under his breath. "What is that about?"

"I," Jungkook breathed, still trying to regain whatever air he'd lost from his lungs. He took in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it go. "I didn't lock it."

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