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It was something close to five in the morning. Jimin was still tired, but he'd woken up so suddenly he felt like sleeping any more would be more of a hassle than it was worth. He couldn't remember exactly what had disturbed him from his sleep, but nonetheless he decided to check on Jungkook. He scoffed at the half naked boy standing in the doorway in front of him. Jungkook's eyes were so wide he could nearly see the galaxy inside of them. His Pajamas looked disheveled, like he'd been tossing and turning for hours. His shirt was gone, thrown on the floor and his arms were wrapped around himself, lips trembling. "Pull yourself together, Kookie. You always lock your door."

Jungkook's gaze met Jimin's, holding a long exasperating stare. It was a much more intense stare than the one Jungkook had forced them into last time. "I didn't lock it, Hyung." His words were so frail, through the passing of two quivering lips. It was a wonder he was able to speak at all, his whole body vibrating like he was sitting in a massage chair. Was he cold? "I made sure to not lock it, in case something happened and I needed to call out to you. I didn't lock it, I know I didn't."

Jimin didn't have the energy or mental power to have this argument so early in the morning. Jungkook had been convinced that his apartment was haunted for weeks. Nearly every night, he was forced to stumble over in the middle of the night, just so the younger could fall asleep. He never wanted to hurt his dongsaengs feelings, and he didn't mind staying over so often, but Jimin was very skeptical. He never believed in the supernatural. Maybe they existed, but haunting people couldn't be a thing. Wouldn't they have better things to do than to make super cliche creepy noises in the night?

"Let's just go back to sleep. I'll sleep in your room." Jimin grumbled. He gripped Jungkook's arm, pulling the boy away from the entryway so he could move past him. The raven haired teenager stumbled over his own feet before realizing what was said.

A soft smile threatened to lift his lips when he got a grip on the situation, but Jungkook suppressed it. "Thank you, Jiminnie." He mumbled, trailing behind his friend like a puppy waiting to jump into bed next to his owner. Jimin pulled the blankets to the bottom of the bed and straightened up the pillows to press up against the headboard. He sat down on the mattress and leaned himself back into them, sitting up. He motioned for Jungkook to lay down beside him with a small nod of his head.

Jungkook gripped at the ends of the blankets, pulling them up with him as he crawled into bed next to Jimin. He offered half to the elder to cover himself, but Jimin declined. Instead he brought his legs closer to his chest and loosely looped his arms around his knees. Jungkook shrugged, unnoticed by the other, as he wrapped himself up in the fuzzy warm comforter. He turned around in the bed to face the wall. A familiar fragrance tickled at his nose. It smelled like Jimin, how he always smelled. His cologne. Jungkook smiled.


The rest of the morning drifted by without incident. Jungkook slept peacefully under the watchful eye of his best friend and Jimin let his imagination run wild as he sat up in the bed. He didn't really know much about his feelings until the whole ghost thing started, coming over every night to watch over the younger had triggered something in him he hadn't known was there. He didn't mind staying up and losing sleep just to make sure Jungkook wouldn't be afraid, whether he believed in the supernatural or not. He actually kind of enjoyed it, because it was the only opportunity he had to just watch, and wonder if he really cared for Jungkook in a way that could damage their friendship or not.

Jimin knew that Jungkook was an innocent kind of person. He wasn't childish, he just lacked experience with most things, especially dating. They'd been friends for most of their lives, and not once had Jungkook been in a relationship. They'd had a few conversations on the matter, but the younger never seemed interested at even the idea of finding a partner. Jimin pestered him sometimes, asking him why he was so determined to be alone, but now with his feelings, confused as they were, he was kind of relieved. It was selfish and he knew it.

The blankets rustled next to Jimin. He glanced over to find Jungkook turning to face him in the bed. His eyes were closed but his arms stretched up and out, soft groaning whispering into the room. Two sleepy fists came up to Jungkook's eyes, rubbing them slowly before he opened them up to look at Jimin. "Morning," He muttered, voice low and soft, still hostage to sleep. He cleared his throat and repeated himself. "Morning Jimminie. Did you sleep?"

What a silly question. Jimin judged to himself, silently. He just shook his head, tagging it along with a simple response. "I slept before."

The raven haired boy frowned at the words. His mind was still fuzzy with sleep, but he grumbled at Jimin, "You don't like to sleep more than a couple hours anymore?"

The elder of the two chuckled quietly, even though he knew Jungkook was genuinely curious and concerned. He couldn't answer that question without exposing everything he'd been thinking about for the last couple of weeks. He wasn't even close to ready for having that conversation, so he shrugged in response. "Just not tired as much I guess." It was a shady answer, but it would have to do.

"What do you do while I'm sleeping, than?" Jungkook continued to investigate. He didn't mean any true harm by it. Jimin was his best friend from childhood, so he didn't look at them as having boundaries or limits and the way that they spoke to each other. "Do you think about me?" He teased the other, reaching a hand out to poke Jimin in the side.

Jimin smiled and shook his head at his friend. If only he knew how close to the truth he is. "You wish, Kookie." He retorted. Jimin wished that were true. He wished things could be easier, the way he was feeling and how confused and alone he was. If there was only one thing he could say to share his thoughts, "I have had something on my mind though."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Like?"

Jimin had been thinking a lot lately, about something that sounded like a good idea to him. Jungkook could say no, he could say it'd be too crowded or that he preferred the way things operated now. But Jimin couldn't get it out of his mind. "I just think that," He shrugged, trying to shake off the tingling creeping up his spine. "I think I should just move in with you."

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