Chapter 10

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By the 11th call, he picks up. 

"What do you want?" He spits. 

I take a deep, shaky breath, and then I say, "we need to get married." 

"Who do you think you are to be suggesting that? You, Ms. Arlene, are the one that said that you didn't want me. You are the one that rejected me- that hurt me," I hear the pain and unforgiveness in his voice. I understand it all. I hurt Ron, and I cannot ever take what I said back. I want him, oh god I do, but he wouldn't believe me. I wouldn't blame him either- I am a liar. 

"Ron, listen to me," I pause and take a few seconds to compose my thoughts. I explain, "we need to get married or else more people are going to get hurt. They almost killed Derek. I know I don't deserve your help, but I need it right now. Besides, we are supposed to get married anyways, so why not tomorrow? Why not as soon as possible? Ron, think about it."

"What is there to think about? You don't get it! You hurt me. Don't you think that it is bogus for me to even consider marrying some stuck-up snob that doesn't realize that a guy like me is madly in love with her, yet she doesn't feel the same way? A relationship is a two-way street, Mae." 

"I do." 


I took another deep breath, "nothing."

"Okay then..." his voice trailed off. 

I don't know how to convince him. Maybe I never will be able to? I think about hanging up, and just tackling the government on my own. But am I really one to break a system that has been working satisfactorily? I sigh, what am I to do?

"Marry me." 

There is a pause before Ron answers, "fine." 

"Can you do me a favor?" I ask. 

"Isn't marrying you- a favor?" He gibes. 

"Meet me at the hospital." I hang up the phone. I don't know if he will come, but I hope. He doesn't know about the accident. I just hope he doesn't ask me about it. I don't have many answers for him. I only know that it wasn't my fault and that Derek may die. I care more about the 'Derek may die' part, however. 

I put the phone down and toss to my side on the hospital bed. I glance at my mom, for she is asleep in one of the various waiting chairs. I allow myself to relax and focus on my breathing. I am not having a panic attack or anything like that, but it is just something to pass the time. I check the time, and it is nearly eight'o'clock. I wonder if the doctor will come back into the room to check up on me. 

Later on that night, I am still wide awake and I hear a creaking of the door. I sit up in my dim-lited bedroom. There, standing in the doorway is a silhouette figure. I squint, and eventually, I figure that the figure is Ron. Ron walks into the room and I find it hard to make out his facial expression. 

"You didn't tell me that you are in the hospital."

"It's not a big deal." I state, simply. 

He sighs and takes a seat on the bed. He rests a hand on my leg as he takes in what a mess I am. I am assuming I am a mess, anyways. 

"What happened?" he asks. 

"That doesn't matter, but I need to tell you that this guy, Marc Diadem, called me and said that he is from the government. He threatened me once before, but this time he said that he will hurt more people that I love if I don't marry you by Friday..and...and..."

"Woah, slow down. Mae, I will marry you." He speaks soothing words and reaches to move a piece of my hair behind my ear. His brown eyes stare into mine and I feel myself calming down. I rest my hand on the side of his face and slowly, pull his head towards mine. Softly, and slowly, I place my lips on his. Surprisingly, he doesn't move away. 

I feel his hands carefully find his way to the hem of my hospital gown. My eyes widen as I realize what he is planning to do. I break away from our kiss and glance at my mom, who is asleep next to the bed. I watch as his eyes shift to my mom and his face breaks out into a mischievous grin. 

I clasp my hand over my mouth to prevent any giggles from escaping. I help him lift my gown up and over my head as I watch his eyes widen. I look away as I feel the heat rush to my face. Suddenly, I feel the softness of his lips give me kisses along my jaw and down towards my neck. I hear the beeps of the machine quicken. I softly giggle as he kisses a sensitive spot on my neck. I feel his hands feel down the sides of my body until he reaches the hospital blanket. I watch as he peels back the covers- slowly. Again, his eyes widen. I roll my eyes and sit up, but only for him to push me back down. I lift his shirt up over his head and I examine what I was dealing with. I didn't notice how fit he is, beforehand. Now, it's his turn to blush. I grin as I pull his lips onto mine and kiss him again, again, and again. 

I feel him pull off his pants as I laid, naked, under him as I kiss him nearly a thousand times over. He broke away from the kiss and studies me for a moment or two. Then, he grabs my wrists that are still connected to the machine and pushes them above my head. He softly kisses me to distract me from the pain. I nervously glance at my mom, and luckily, she is still asleep. Suddenly, I gasp as I feel a few jabs of pain and a moan escapes my lips. I feel myself blush, for I did not expect that reaction. Again, I nervously glance at my mom. I let out a sigh of relief, but it's soon replaced with a moan. 

Ron kisses me silent...

A/N: Heylo, welcome back to another chapter. I am thrilled to say that this chapter has passed the 1,000 word mark. Also, my two favorite characters are BACKKKK. Yay! I had a little too much fun writing this chapter, and maybe it was from the energy between Ron and Mae? I am not too sure, but I swear I am their number one shipper (makes sense since they are my babies). Also, thanks for reading up to this point and thanks for being truly patient with me. I know I strive for weekly updates, but life has been too crazy for the last two weeks with my love life (yeah I have one, surprisngly). As always, I love all my readers- even the silent readers. If you have been truly enjoying this book so far, and maybe, this chapter...feel free to vote and/or comment. I greatly appreciate each and every one of y'all. Another chapter should be posted sometime soon, I have no idea when, but until then... -Kayla

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