Chapter 19

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We have not spoken about the miscarriage since that day. There is nothing more to talk about regarding that topic. I have gotten pregnant since then, but, it is not as exciting as the first time. I think we are waiting for it to happen again. 

Today, I have an ultrasound scheduled. Ron has work, and so I have Mom coming with me to the ultrasound. I am kind of depressed about it. My thoughts always return to "what could have been" with my first pregnancy. I probably should go talk to a psychologist about this, but I am just hoping I will forget. I know that I most likely won't forget, but I have nothing left to be hopeful about. That's the sad truth. 

Mom drives me to the doctor's. It's a short drive there. My baby bump is barely noticeable, but I get excited grins from other patients there that are also expecting. I fill out the needed paperwork as fast as I can- I happen to be impatient. Then, I wait. 

I notice that all the pregnant women are chatting amongst each other. I see how excited they are and their mood basically crushes mine. I wish I am as happy as them. It would be so nice to gush about carrying something that is living and is bound to be a bundle of joy. Unfortunately, I am left with a chatty mother- rambling -and memories of what I could have had. 

Eventually, the doctor calls us in. I don't pay any attention to his name as he assists me onto the chair. He lowers the position of the chair, and he asks for my permission to lift up my shirt. I give him the oddest look, but I bite my tongue and allow him to do so. 

Didn't he know that he wouldn't be able to give me a proper ultrasound if my shirt wasn't lifted up?

"I apologize, but the ointment I shall be applying will be cold," he warns. I just nod, and I gasp when he applies it. He certainly didn't lie about the temperature. 

He directs our attention to the screen as he places this odd looking device on my stomach. He moves it around and the movement correlates to what we see on the screen. Abruptly, I hear my mom squeal like a pig. 

Then, I hear the doctor chuckle. 

What's going on?

Finally, the doctor clarifies, "Ms. Arlene, do you see that tiny bean-shaped figure in the lower left corner on the screen?"

I search for it, and soon enough, I find the object that he described.

"That's your baby," he says. 

Suddenly, I feel like crying. Somehow, I don't manage to hold my tears in and I end up sobbing. I hear my mom rustle for some tissues and I feel her presence as I assume that she is offering me some. 

"What's wrong?" I hear my mom ask. 

I struggle to answer, but I manage to reply, "nothing...everything is just perfect..." 

I feel Mom place her hand on my back and she begins rubbing it soothingly. I calm down some, and I look at the doctor. He is smiling at me with a stethoscope in his hand. He says, "now let's see his or her's heartbeat."

I receive a drop of fear, but I just nod as he places the cold tool onto my stomach. He makes an amusing face, and then suddenly, he looks concerned. I feel a knot in my stomach as I fear that something is not at all perfect. 

"Doctor...what is it?" I hear my mom ask. 

The doctor gravely answers, "you have twins."

"Oh my!" Mom gasps. 

I look between the two of them, and I notice that they both look pale and fearful. At first, I don't understand their reaction. Shouldn't twins be a good thing?

I end saying my thoughts and I watch as my doctor shakes his head back and forth. He takes off the hat that I assume he typically wears. He replies, "I am going to have to schedule an operation to abort one of the two fetuses that you are currently carrying."

"What?!" I yell as I feel my heart shatter in a billion pieces. I feel as though I got shot and stabbed with a bayonet. 

"I am so sorry," Mom begins to sob and blow her nose. 

"I can operate as soon as tomorrow if you'd like, Ms. Arlene," The doctor's voice begins to fade out.

 I feel my surroundings spin as blackness encircles me... 

A/N: Kind of short, but I kind of don't care. If you couldn't tell, Mae left to wonderland. And when I say that, I mean that she fainted. Yeah... 

Anyways, I would adore if you vote, comment, or do nothing. I love my silent readers. Please feel free to share this story with a friend or a family member. I am trying my hardest to get my mom and my sister to read this story, but my sister is too lazy and my mom is waiting until I finish the book. Honestly, I probably will be trying to end the book at thirty-two chapters or so. I am not sure. This book is probably going to be longer than that since I am thinking of adding two more major conflicts to this story. Dunno. -Kayla

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