Chapter 16

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It's been a year since Ron and I got married. Sadly, it's also been a year since Derek died. It feels odd breathing oxygen while knowing that he is somewhere on the planet- as dust. There was no funeral for him or a ceremony. His parents didn't know me, and so I was not invited to the spreading of his ashes. It will be alright, eventually. I think... 

The house that Ron bought for us is quaint. I don't mind the small size. There are only three bedrooms, which is one bedroom too many. Ron convinced me that the third bedroom will be for my mom when she retires. There's a mudroom that leads to a deck, a 2017 outdated kitchen, a traditional dining room, a small living room, and three bathrooms. Back then, this house would be worth 900,000 American dollars. Now, it's worth 100,000 units. Which, isn't much. It will work, however. 

I haven't met anyone from his side of the family. They weren't invited to the wedding. Ron insisted he didn't want his family part of his life anymore, which means that he left the family-owned deli shop and found a job as a teacher. I suppose it doesn't faze him that I make more money than him. 

Between Ron and I, it's been fine. A normal marriage life is what it is. We haven't spoken about kids yet. Heck, I don't even know if he wants any. We have this routine going, and I am afraid that if I bring the topic up, well, I don't know. 

I sigh as a stir sauce in a pot. I come home earlier than Ron, and so I begin cooking dinner. It's typically done by the time he is home. His favorite dish is pasta, which happens to be what I am cooking. 

When I finish dinner, I hear the front door closing. I yell, "Ron?"

"Mae," I hear his response and I turn around to see him peek his head into the kitchen with a grin on his face. I awkwardly turn back around and grab two bowls. I fixed up our dinners and placed them on the island. I slide on a stool and he sits on the one adjacent to me. 

"So, you seem like you have something to say," I gesture for him to speak. 

He nods and says bluntly, "I want children."

I loose my breath for a split second and sputter, "what?"

"I want a family." 

"You mean...a unit?" I try to correct him as Mom had done to me nearly a year ago. 

He shakes his head and explains, "we were forced to get married by this stupid set of laws-"

"Order of 2062"

"Yeah, that one and I was thinking that maybe we should not just have one. I think we should have at least 7." 

"7?" I gasp. 

"Yeah, why not? I love you, Mae. I love you more than I could ever put in words. And I am certain that you love me too. So, why don't we start a family? I am ready. I am beyond ready." He explains and places a hand on mine and grabs it, "what do you say?"

"I say that," I pause, "I am madly in love with you." 

I grab his collar and pull his lips on mine. He wraps his arms around me and picks me up from the stool. He carries me into the bedroom and gently lays me down while kissing me from my neck down to my collar bone. He begins undressing me... 

A/N: This chapter is short but so cute and I am so happy right now as I am writing this. AHHH, so many dreams. I know my best friend is going to read this and my other best friend. 

Just one of them happens to be the love of my life. 

Anyways, please vote...comment...share...let your mom know that you love her?



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