Catching Up

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It’s been a while since I talked to my girls so I hit them up tellin them to meet me at the spot. We got this little soul food dinner that we’d always chill at and eat just to calm ourselves down from the daily grind.

                I walked into D&J’s soul food place to see Shekinah and Erica laughing and talking.

“Hey ya’ll,” I said smiling at both of them.

“Hey Jas, how you been girl?” Erica asked smiling.

“Yeah I wanna know too, you ain’t been in the house in a while,” Shekinah said.

“Yeah well about that, I been out on a few dates, well you can barely call them that,” I said smiling.

“What you mean?” Erica asked.

“Well I been seein’ this dude, and it’s kinda funny I met him at your party and then he smashed my ankle at the park a week back. He takes me to the hospital pays for the bill and takes me home to meet his little girl Nettie, she’s the sweetest little thing. Then Nettie’s like you should get her a bouquet of roses and for each date give her one rose. Last week he invited me over to get dinner and made cordonices con petals- quail with rose petals and tried to seduce me. Nettie left for a sleep over and we started kissing, but we had to stop cuz it was getting’ too heated,” I said explaining what happened over the past few weeks.

“So where’s your cast?” Erica asked.

“I got it off before I got here, so I’m good as new,” I said smiling.

“And who would this dude be?” Shekinah asked leaning forward on the table.

“Genesis,” I said.

Erica and Shekinah looked at each other worried a little bit before they looked at me.

“What?” I asked laughing a little at their expressions.

“Do you know what he does for a living?” Erica asked.

“No, why?” I asked.

“He’s gonna have to tell you that on his own,” Shekinah said sitting back as the waitress placed the food on the table for us to eat.

“Wait a minute, what about Louis?” Erica asked.

“Oh well we broke up I saw him with some broad in IHOP, nigga was tryna say that he was gonna study with no books,” I said laughing.

“I never liked that lil boy,” Shekinah said.

“You made that apparent every time we went out,” Erica said laughing.

“Well he was rude and always had something to say about my family,” Shekinah said frowning.

“Well we ain’t gotta worry bout him no more,” I said smiling.

“So Erica what’s up with you and Sean?” I asked smiling as soon as she starts blushin’.

“Well he took me out to a nice hotel and we had dinner and the windows got a lil’ seamy in the car, but that was just about it,” Erica responded smiling.

“Damn, you bitches ain’t get no action,” Shekinah said laughing.

“Well heifer you tell us about yours since you gettin’ so much action,” I said taking a sip of  my drink.

“Well MyKing was eatin’ a sister out yesterday, Daddy rewarded me after I dance for him,” Shekinah said swaying in her chair a lil.

“Well ya’ll two is so close it’s ridiculous, I’m surprised you still wit me at the house,” I said smiling.

“Well we gonna wait a lil’ while to see what’s going down then Imma introduce him to Emoni,” Shekinah said smiling.

“Well then he must be special,” Erica said calling the waitress over for the receipt.

“He is,” Shekinah said with a big ass smile on her face as her eyes went off into space. I pulled out my wallet and put a couple of dollars down for the receipt and started to pack up. I was happy for both my girls , Shekinah finally found the right one after all the bad ones, and Erica being her first man found the first one, lucky heifer. Either way I’m happy for them than myself.

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