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A question all people ask at some point in their lives, if not all their lives. A thing that all human beings desire and pursue. A thing that drives us, motivates us, devastates us and uplift us. What is love!?

Some claim that love cannot be described. Some say it's a feeling, an emotion, an idea or a notion, an illusion or delusion. So what is love really?

Love is a way of life! It is shown in how we treat people. How we speak to them and what we say to them. It is a set of values according to which we live. Living in love is a choice! 
Love is not claiming that we have fallen head over heels in love with someone, yet we demean them. It is not screaming at them that they are stupid because they made a mistake, and then turning around and telling them that you love them...

Love isn't words; it's actions, behavior, deeds and intention.

What are the values of love?
In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 love is defined as to what it is and what it isn't. But what are the values that we then have to live by, to show this steadfast love to all people?

The values are as follows:

Patient. Kind. Modest. Humble. Polite. Respectful. Flexible; on how to do things. Firm; in what to do. Insensitive; in the sense of being selfless. Not taking anything personally. Not happy with violating standards of behavior. Truthful. Accepting. Trusting. Hopeful. Faithful. Enduring and resilient. Happy for others, not envious.

Do you show these things to the one you claim to love? Do you show these things to yourself? Are you patient with yourself? Are you kind to yourself? And to others?

If you want to adopt these values and live by them, start with patience and kindness towards yourself and then towards others. Show humility and respect at all times, and acceptance brings peace. Then you'll see and feel the difference that real love makes. In your life and in others'.

A Valentine's Special: What is love?Where stories live. Discover now