"What is all of this?" Jimin asked suprised but not able to hide his smile. "What about your date?" Jimin asked with a sour taste in his mouth.

"Jimin haven't you figured it out yet? You're my date. I didn't want to tell you it was you because it was meant as a suprise." Jungkook said and smiled. "Now eat as you know we got a long day ahead of us." Jimin laughed slighly and started to eat. They didn't talk much but it didn't really matter. When Jimin was done eating he got dressed while Jungkook cleaned up the dishes. When they were done they headed to town and walked around not nearly as bothered by the couples as they were the day before. Jimin laughed at a joke Jungkook made and it made Jungkook laugh too.

"Oh there is one thing I forgot to tell you about." Jungkook said. He grabbed Jimin's hand and headed to a store. They went inside but Jungkook didn't let go of Jimin's hand. It was a small store with antique things. Jimin looked around curious to see everthing. Jungkook lead Jimin to the checkout where a man smiled and greeted Jungkook. "Do you have it?" Jungkook asked the man.

"Of course I do. Is right here." The man said and handed Jungkook a little box.

"Thank you." Jungkook said and handed him some money. They said goodbye and Jungkook dragged Jimin out again.

"What is it?" Jimin asked Jungkook curious but he put it in his jacket pocket.

"You'll find out later." Jungkook smirked. "Come on let's get lunch." Jimin let it be and they walked to his favourite place to have lunch. They sat down and Jungkook let Jimin decide what they were going to eat. They talked as they ate the food and Jimin couldn't possible feel better, at least that was until Jungkook cleared his thorat and started to talk, then he felt even better.

"Jimin we've been friends for long time now so it hopefully dosn't come as a supirse when I tell you, you mean a lot to me. I just don't think you know how much you mean to me. You mean so much is hard to describe. You mean more to me than any other person." Jungkook said and Jimin could tell he meant it. "Somewhere in the last year I've started to get feelings for you. At first I was confused but then it hit me. We're perfect for each other. We know each other better than we know ourselves. We feel comfortable around each other. We're always there for each other. So the feelings have only become stronger this past year. I really like you and I'm happy to finally admit it."

"That was beautiful Kookie! You mean the world to me and I really like you too, more than you know" Jimin said. Jungkook smiled slightly before looking into Jimin's eyes.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked and Jimin smiled bright.

"Yes there's nothing I would rather be." Jimin said. Jungkook wanted to kiss Jimin but the table was in their way so he reached over and held his hand. They looked at each other a while with hearts beating as one before getting up and heading to the movies. Jungkook had it all planned out and they sat at the back of the movie theater watching a romantic cliche movie. A little into the movie Jungkook put his arm around Jimin and looked at him. Jimin looked at Jungkook and their lips were close together. Slowly they leaned forward and their lips met. A boble of happiness exploded inside Jimin as their lips moved in sync. When they pulled away Jimin found himself doing exactly as Jungkook had predicted. He leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder. They hardly followed the movie, every few minuts they would look at each other and kiss or whispere sweet things in the others ear. When the movie ended, they walked around town again, holding hands.

"How did you know I like you?" Jimin asked all of the sudden.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"Well you told me yesterday that I would say I like you too but how did you know?" Jimin asked.

"It was because of the little things. I noticed you always smiled when I walked into the room and the way you looked at me changed. You started to lean into me when we stood next to each other and touch my arm when we talked. Plus I heard Taehyung talk about it with Hoseok." Jungkook said. Jimin smiled and looked down.

"That little brat, he wasn't suppose to tell anyone." Jimin said but he could hardly be mad at him for real.

"What do you expect? They're a couple." Jungkook said and thanked them in his head.

"Yeah you're right." Jimin said, they kept walking until it started to get dark, then they found a place to eat dinner. Again they talked and enjoyed each others company and as they finished Jungkook pulled the box out from his pocket.

"Now to a part I didn't tell you about either." Jungkook said and Jimin could hardly wait. "A couple of days I was in that store we were in today and I found this. As soon as I saw it I thought of you and my hope is that everytime you look at it you'll think of me and be reminded how much I like you." Jungkook opened the box and Jimin saw a ring inside. It was a beautiful silver ring with two hands that held a heart which had a crown on. Jimin was speachless it was a beautiful ring and as he put it on it fitted him perfectly.

"Jungkook I-I love it." Jimin said with tears in his eyes. "Thank you."

"No problem." Jungkook said and smiled as he saw Jimin's reaction. They got up but before paying Jimin pulled Jungkook in and kissed him.

"I really mean it, I love it so much." Jimin said and Jungkook kissed his cheek.

"I know you do. Your eyes are saying everything." Jungkook said. He payed for the food and they took a cab to a park. As the night was settling in they found the perfect spot and lay down. The stars were clear and it was a breath taking sight. They lay in silence before Jimin noticed Jungkook staring at him.

"What?" Jimin asked and giggled.

"You look beautiful." Jungkook said like it was a fact everyone knew.

"Thank you." Jimin blushed. They watched the stars again while finding the others hand. Jimin sighed happily. "This day has been perfect. You did a really good job, I gotta admit it."

"I also put a lot of thought in it as you said yourself I'm not the most romantic guy but I tried to be for you." Jungkook said.

"Well it worked perfectly. I think you're much more romantic than you let on." Jimin said and Jungkook smiled.

"Maybe." Jungkook said. Jimin shivered slightly as it was getting cold. "Come on let's head home." They stood up and Jungkook put his jacket over Jimin which earned him a kiss as thank you. They took a cab home to Jimin.

"This was probably the best day of my life." Jimin smiled.

"Mine too." Jungkook agreed. He had handed Jungkook his jacket back. They leaned in and kissed again which Jimin knew he would never get tired of doing. "See you." Jungkook said and turned around to leave.

"Wait." Jimin called and Jungkook couldn't hide his smile "Stay the night?"

"I would like that." Jungkook said and walked inside. They went up to Jimin's room quietly as his parents were asleep. They settled on the bed Jimin's head resting on Jungkook's chest. They watched a funny movie and Jimin could feel everytime Jungkook laughed. Jimin could feel himself getting tired and before he knew it he had closed eyes, only listening to the movie and the sound of Jungkook's laugh. He was falling deeper and deeper into sleep and soon he was sleeping completely feeling happier than ever.

Happy valentines day!! I hope you have/had a great day full of love ^.^

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