Chapter Six

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*Mary's POV*

I walked over to the window in Brice's room and looked out of it after Brice left the room to go get some clothes for me.

'Mate is the nicest person we've know in years. Other than mom,' Windy said.

'I know but we really can't stay here. I don't know what I would do if our old pack came here and killed him,' I said back.

'Don't under estimate him,' Windy said almost growling.

The sun was setting out over a lake and the sky was many shades of pink, purple, and yellow. It was the most beautiful and relaxing view I had ever seen. I crossed my arms and rested them on the window sill and put my chin on my hands. After a few seconds of looking out over the lake I decided to let my hair down.

I sighed and ran my fingers through it to relieve the stress I had pent up. I could smell and sense Brice just our side of the door.


The door opened and close. I turned to see Brian enter the room with some clothes.

"Here. Get changed and we will go down stairs to eat and to meet my sister," he said handing my the clothes and looking at me with his ice blue eyes.

"Thanks," I said softly and took the clothes from him.

I walked into the bathroom and changed into the clothes. The blue jeans fit me just right and showed off my curves as did the light pink t-shirt. I opened the bathroom door and walked over toward Brice. He had his back to me. Just seeing him makes me wet. I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He turned and as soon as his eyes could see me they were everywhere on my. He frowned.

"Let's go get you something to eat. You look way to skinny," he said calmly.

I nodded and Brice took my hand. He was right I really hadn't eaten much in the past two days. I feel sparks run up my arm from his touch, and my panties got even more damp. We walked down the stairs and toward the kitchen. I was nervous, Brice must have sensed that and started to rub my hand with his thumb.

Before we entered the kitchen I smelled a female's scent and could sense her in the kitchen. As we entered the kitchen I saw a younger woman, with bark drown hair, sitting at the table. I moved to were I was behind yet beside Brice. She looked up at me, she had chocolate drown eye, and smiled, trying to calm me.

"Oh, Brice. Is this her?" she asked softly.

"Yes, Kathryn, this is Mary," he said to her.

Brice looked at my then smiled and said,"Mary, this is my sister, Kathryn. Kathryn, this my mate, Mary."

"H-hello," I said stuttering.

"Hi, Mary," Kathryn said happily.

I looked around the room and noticed that, even for a pack house kitchen, it was huge. I knew the surprise was in my eyes but other than that I was only showing nervousness and curiosity. Then my stomach complained,-again-by growling, that it was empty.

"Sounds like we needed to get super going and git it done fast. Is Mom coming down, or not?" Brice asked.

I give him a nervous look. He laughs at me but gets out some meat and starts making something.

"Not sure," Kathryn said.

I walk over to the table and sit across from Kathryn.

"So, where are you from?" Kathryn inquired.

I hesitate before answering softly," From the north. The Oaks pack."

"Wow, that's some distance from here," she said surprised.

I nod and listen to her talk about the pack and how not all of the roomers were true. Then I heard footsteps and a female's sent hit me. I stayed seated, but tensed up.

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