Chapter 22

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The only thing that made you look anything at all like human,

was the goosebumps that illuminated your arms and legs threw the moonlight, casting there own micro shadows threw shades of black. Though they would be gone soon, as the moon died down the horizon to get its own night sleep, the sun awoke and rose, blinking small hints of yellowish orange streaks of morning light, awakening small swirls of white fluffy clouds.

You and Telesfora wanted each others problems. As she was in constant agony of the intense heat rising in her body, especially her legs from the fires arising touch, you where shivering from lack of clothing and cold condense fog tucking below the trees though in your atmosphere.
A small towel wrapped around your neck and breasts, exposing your stomach, but it still wasn't enough to scare away the cold.

"hot, very hot." Telesfora tried to speak out in the little English she knew.
"Sí, mi amor, nosotros.. will get there soon."
You tried to communicate, though you knew it was hopeless to concentrate back to Spanish lessons more than a year ago when you where in the shivering cold carrying a girl about your same size, with her arm wrapped around your shoulder weighing you down as her legs constantly gave out.

You knew Ruvik would try to kill you. He was furious, you hurt him in the worst way, a stupid mistake of yours. You told yourself you regret nothing, to go down fighting for your girl. That the bond you and Telesfora formed over the last couple months was stronger than any inhuman thing.

But that wasnt the real truth, you had felt something for this man, something strong. The way he protected you, times you have looked down from the pathetic blush on your face, there was even a time you wished he would tie you down again, restrain you so you could pretend you wanted to get away and watch as he held you down and claimed you as his. Your body warmth at the thought, but it also weakened your limbs. You wanted to give out and think about him for hours, but you knew you couldn't. For all you knew he hated you, and you could do nothing about that now.

Telesfora gave out again, and you couldn't help but feel worthless.
"Hang in there hun." You whispered.
You patted her brown curls before gently pulling her up.
"quiero morirme"
You couldn't make out what she said, but you could only assume the worst from her lips.

You thought to yourself as you carried Telesfora the long ways to your destination.
Reassuring moments flashed and played in your head, faces fuzzy but clear to make out if you heard the voices again. You knew why you where thrown in here as if you where a guinea pig.

You where at Beacon strolling threw the tax records and patient documents, just things to refile, throw out, or put away. You remember coming across a document, thought you don't remember what it was, the memory on it was wiped. You remember cupping your mouth and a man seeing you read it. His face was fuzzy but his gasp sounded croaked and old, his clothing was a whitish suit with a soft yellow and brown checkered shirt underneath, he had a bit of a roundish belly rise out from his brown pants that tucked underneath.

He immediately grew concerned and bolted out the door. It was as if the speck of dust in his peripheral vision suddenly caused a threat. You gathered all your things in a hurry to leave, dropping many things on the floor in your rush. You see a scene of running past the burnt man you now know as Ruvik. You remember him pinning you, you screamed at him for mercy and pleaded. Six men came threw the door and carried you out. You remember laying on a bed. The room milk white and the air cold and thin. You shivered, but other then that couldn't move.

Next, you where at home. Waking up from your "dream" and running to the hallway.
Sneaky bastards dropped you off at home and left.
You remember running into someone.

The beatings where terrible, your father could barely take care of himself with your mother always running out. She was a diamond sinking in mud, purely beautiful on the outside, though struggling to keep herself sane. Your father was always a wreck, they where high school sweethearts, that is before your mothers drinking. It wouldn't take long before they drown in the bills stacked on the counter, that is if they didn't drown in straight whiskey first.

You then weakisy carried yourself from the floor that morning where he left you passed out, you readied yourself before hugging your sister and leaving your home of hell to go to a bigger hell. When arriving to Beacon and in your assigned room,

No one dared to look at you.
You kind of just faced to the corner wall.
Not looking behind you, nobody mentioned where you got the bruises on your face from and didn't want to answer, so your just glad nobody was stupid enough to ask..

The daydreams died down as you approached the tall now crippled building that was either key to escape, or your death place.


Authors note:

I was thinking of naming the story "victim of the antidote" and when I get finished with it, you'll know why.

Also, I revealed why in chapter 5 the character was beaten, the second to last paragraph was the intro to chapter 5 before the character was plopped into STEM.

Alrighty well, that's enough hints today, just wait till you see what happens. I have the most crazy idea. Goodnight my loves❤️.

Victim of the Antidote: Ruvik x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt