Chapter 1

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   It was another one of those nights.

Tossing and turning in bed, your parents screaming at each other from the hall, half drunk.
      The feeling of an empty companion; your brother whom you shared a room with, that had left you to sneak out with his friends in an attempt to make his escape from the house of hell you lived.
Knowing your 10 year old sister in the room next to you needed you, knowing the cries for help without even needing her to speak a single word because inside you shared the same vessel of agony that rooted between you both.

But if you left the room to comfort her, they would see you, and strike at you. You could probably make it to her if you tried, but the fear of having bruises on her face for tomorrows volunteering was to risky.

It was another one of those nights.
And you could only wait till the alarm went off for 6:00 a.m. knowing sleep was unfeasible.
But you sat on your bead staring at the corner waiting.

6:00 a.m.
Come on skinny love don't last the year, come on skinny love how did you get me here-
The song set on your alarm clock sent out its tune in an attempt to waken you as you hit snooze.
The night wasn't all so bad as the others, at least this time you slept, your head shot up and you looked down to a little girl hugging tight on your waist.
Heh, guess she was determined to see her big sister.
You carefully removed her hands from your waist trying not to wake up your little sister.

As you got ready, you put on your volunteering uniform. A white polo shirt you tried your hardest not to wrinkle with a logo on your right bust that said beacon student volunteer, along with that you put on the black formal skirt. You put on your knee high socks that looked cute with your black shoes.

You left a note on the door for your brother, despite him being obedient and abhorrent, he was the only other person you could depend on to care for your younger sister, and you hate depending on people.
Out volunteering for beacon, if you need anything call. TAKE CARE OF LAURA and DONT LEAVE HER HERE ALONE, take her to school and ill pick her up later.

And you were off, on your black bike that replaced the demand for a car. You were a collage student, dorms were to expensive so you stayed stationed in your home with your family. Part of it was because you were the oldest, and by far, the only one who obligated to care for anyone but yourself in that house.

You started thinking, getting distracted. By now you were only a few blocks away from your destination. Now beacon was in your range of site.
Pulling up to the parking lot, you inched your bike to the bike rack, locked it on, and went inside.
First thing you where told to do was check in, the lady at the front desk gave you a card with your floor number, hours required a day, and blank strip left next to each day of the week for a signature confirmation, after that you had to find the partner you were assigned to. Your card read a girl name "Telesfora V. Lucanova". Asking around you finally found your partner. You started off with a smile, but she looked at you concerned.
"¿Como te llamas?" she asked.
Shes Spanish? Okay thats alright, I speak kinda Spanish.
Whats your name is what she asked.
"Soy (y/n)" -im (y/n)
She smiled nervously and pulled out a note, unfolded it and handed it to you.

It was from the instructor. It was basically telling you that the girl didn't speak much English and they couldn't turn her down to volunteer just because of this issue, and being that you graduated high school in Spanish 2, you will have to be her translater.

You smiled at the girl, but in your head...
Great, babysitting duty.

She began rambling on in Spanish, about where she came from, about herself and things you just had no interest in knowing, she acted as if she hadn't talked to anyone in a long time. Some things you didn't understand because your Spanish teacher never taught you. You didn't speak Spanish, well much of it. You just took the class.
But regardless you didn't complain. You just took your partner by the wrist and pulled her to the elevator, which didn't stop her rambling.

Floor 2 you punched in. And you went to the room you were assigned.

Something was off, the room didn't look like it should. It was very warm and filled with diagrams and drawings.
Isn't this suppose to be the child play room?
You looked back at the room number.
2-116. You were looking for 2-126.
You were about to run out of there as quickly as you could before you got in trouble, but before, a deep voice came from the corner of the room, someone you had failed to see behind one of the standing diagrams.
"Can i help you?"

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