Chapter 16

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"So like.... Laura as in my little sister Laura?"

You spoke to the girl who had taken Telesfora's place in her body as you both stared down, watching your feet dangle over the ledge on the buildings rooftop.

The night set was calm, soothing to you after it seems like fear had its own auto mode it your body. You looked upon the city dressed in a thousand colors as moon light rained down a sea of fireflies dressed in blue. The city spoke back with its hue of bronze city lights of blue and yellow and white. It was a pleasure to take a break with an anonymous familiar.

Climbing up here was no challenge, quite a trip really. It was her suggestion, to talk in such a calm place. She cleared her thought.
"No... no. Your sisters safe, outside of this place. I saw you in the barn, he showed you his past. He's never showed that to anyone. I've never showed that." She said, her voice quiet and calm, like it was matching the voice of the city.

"I'm Ruben's sister I uh.. I'm the one who.. saved him from that fire." her words shuddered.
"You're brave." you tell her to soothe her, you tilt your head over to gaze over her expression. It was blank.
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt Laura." you tell her.
She looks at you finally, a tear falls.
"I don't either." She says, a sob escaping.
"I really don't. I want to stop it. I just needed her body (Y/N). I'm really sorry."
Moonlight shines over her face and reflects the shimmering teardrops falling.
"What is this place..."
She pauses before answering.
"He created this machine you see.. he spent so much of his life on it.."
"Laura.. tell me where we-"
"He was never .. healthy.. he would barely sleep or.. or eat.. and I.."
"look at me.."
"This machine, it.. my god it sounded impossible and crazy.... it has the power to link people together you see.."
"And he.." she was standing up now, hands quivering over her mouth.
"he wouldn't let them get into it without him, so they took his brain out, and now it fuels the machine.."
She screamed at you, her hands grasping your shoulders and you didn't noticed. You took it all in, your head was spinning. Your memory's played to you.

"Go to hell..." you scoffed and spit a bit of blood. He turned to meet your gaze, and tilted your chin up to meet his pale eyes.
"Im already here darling, and its taken you along for the ride."
He smiled tauntingly.

You felt nauseous, dizzy. You've been sucked into a hell in the mind of a cereal killer.

And he's sexy as fuck.

Your head shook and you met TelesLaura's eyes. "We need to find the others, so we can all get out of here safe."
"There's a very thin chance that could happen (Y/N)"
"With me alive, there's a very thin chance it can't."
She huffed.
"Look, Do you know where they are TelesLaura?"
She gave you a look, getting the name but being caught by surprise.
She smiled. It was at this point,
she trusted you.
"Follow me sweetie."

It was the longest walk you have ever been on, and you ran away once. Across the city was a graveyard next to achurch, you went to the back of the Church to the cellar. Laura said they'd be down here, it was the last hiding spot to look.
Opening the door, Bennet cradled Cassidy into his arms. You walked over, Bennett eyes glimmering from tears. She was shaking uncontrollably.
"She's having an anxiety attack again.."
"Oh my god.." your hand reaches over to touch her forehead, her nose started bleeding and her eyes opened. But something was wrong.

Her eyes where white, and her skin started to crack threw the flesh.
"Cassidy.." you whispered.
She didn't respond, just moaned as you looked threw her lifeless eyes.

The door at the back of the church swung open making a crashing noise. You took your attention away from Cassidy to take a look.

A freakish creature was standing by the door, a tall slim figure dropping drapes over its body for clothing, with tall red high heals and black threaded leggings. The thing was terrifying, a masterpiece of horror, but the thing that shook you was the spotlight on its head shining, looking and hunting for its prey.

But the thing that scared you most, wasn't the threatening design of the creature, it was the words that came out.
"(Y/N)" it whispered, glaring across the room.

You almost forgot about him, when you escaped. He was looking for you, and Laura was hiding you. He wanted you back in his arms, back and safe with him again.
It whispered it again,
looking in your direction but you ducked in time and closed the doors.

You where terrified of what he could do.
You knew he would do whatever it took, to get his girl back.

Authors shit:

Yo can someone PLEASE go click on chap. 3 before I die of OCD.
Cause look:
Ch 1: 200 reads
Ch 2: 130 reads
Ch 3: 99 reads
Ch4: 100 reads


Wow now that I look at it, a lot of people left. 😭😂😭
   rip: me

  I mean it didn't bother me until the fact chapter 6 and chapter 5 will always be 10 reads apart. And I think I know why, I'm pretty sure people didn't like you were going into the stem system at this point in the story and how short the chapter was. It was kind of a shitty chapter but I was tired that day and was like "OH SHIT THATS RIGHT I WRITE FANFICTIONS I HAVENT UPDATED IN LIKE, 4 WEEKS"
so I wrote that chapter annnnddd you guys don't care.

Ha okay thanks guys for reading and goodbi my children.

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