Chapter 12

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You walked in the field of sunflowers as they danced in the wind.

Your eyes twinkled at the burst of their bright blithe of color as it amused and illuminated your eyes. You softly cupped your hand around the large head of the caress blossom.
"Nothing can compare to the feeling of
caressing just blossomed sunflowers." You whispered to yourself in piece as Ruvik creeped up from behind from a short distance.
They reflect their warm gaze upon your cold, freckled cheeks while their golden hue searches onward for other souls to bless.

"They remind me of you and your warm gaze that always seems to settle upon my eyes. They remind me of your hands and how they feel when they're pressed against my face."
You speak louder, speaking to Ruvik but love-locking your eyes on the bright beauty .
He put his hands on your shoulders from behind, you where confused and startled, but decided not to pull away. He made you feel safer after all the anxiousness your body went threw. You felt as though you would never calm down. Placing another hot rock in the pot of untold secrets and shaken memories stored in the back of your brain.
"You want to see this, you really do? If you are debating I highly advise to turn the offer down now." He spoke softly.
"Yes." Is all you could say.
He took a moment.
"Fine then, though I wont be there for the time being." He said, a hint of anger in his voice.
"Wait? Thats not fair." You turned to him, but he was gone, teleporting away right in front of, winking as he did.


You pouted, then turned to the barn Ruvik had directed you to go. You sprint there on the spot with burning curiosity.
How did he get those scars?  You walked into the barn expecting something like a human sacrifice over a fire for a purification ritual or a failed suicide attempt as he drenched the barn in gasoline and lit it in bedazzled flames.

But instead you where awaited a white haired shaken boy sitting on a patch of hay with his head in his knees. You felt a presence other than the stranger, so you knew Ruvik might be watching. You took small steps to the boy, but something appeared in front of you. A girl hiding behind a boy teasing him.
"Laura, I know your in here."
She giggled to this.
"I can hear you breathing."
It was just like when you where brought back to your old school and he showed you that memory. It was a misty blue and fuzzy.
He turned around and walked toward her, squeezing her into a tight hug.
The memory deceased and you walked toward the white haired boy.
Another memory appeared behind you, but you showed no interest in it. It was just a boy trying to fall onto stack of hay, you don't know why they appeared, they seemed to show no meaning. THIS is meaningless, stupid, why were you here? You shook the white haired boy's arm and he looked up to you hesitantly.
He wasn't wearing a volunteer uniform, and he wasn't familiar to you so how the hell is he here? Who is he?
"Dark. Dark."
"You and me both."
"HURT. HURT." He pointed toward the memory.
You turned around and screamed. You shot back running across the barn. It was growing toward you. You heard the children screaming. The boy screaming. But if you were to compare volume of the screaming, you won. All other screams were outcasted by your own

You where cornered, and it showed no mercy toward you. You ran threw it, getting caught in its grasp. Pain grew on your legs, you saw the memories struggling to open the door. The girl yelling for help.
You where going to pass out, your vision darkened.
"RUBEN." The girl yelled, you heard the painful screams of a boy and girl.
You couldn't pass out, you cant give up. If you give up,

you die.

You climb up the barns metal stairs, desperately look around finding nothing. Running and running through the second floor of the barn, you get caught in the heats grasp, your body begging you to keep going on but the pain wanting you to sleep with it. You see a small opening where the fire is burning a hole in the wall and you jump through, landing on the ground. Right next to you, the memory of a boy lands, yelling and screaming in pain, mimicking your movements as well. It all makes sense now, you know why he brought you here.

That asshole.
The memory deceases and as you look around you see the white haired boy running away in the distance untouched by the fires clench. You didn't care about him though, at this point you only care about yourself. You felt nauseous, you were going to pass out. You can't pass out, if you pass out you won't wake up. Maybe it wont be such a bad thing though, you'll never have to see your family again, you wont be such a burden in the building anymore, can't you just except it and die.
Die. Just die.

You close your eyes at the thought, having a slight smirk on your face.
Heh, its funny though
Ruvik knows you saw him standing in the field before you passed out, he thought you would fight to survive.
One thing he doesn't know about you,

you couldn't care less.

Authors Note:

OKAY I feel like people will be disappointed in this chapter so let me explain--- it will get better I promise I just feel like everything fiction has the scene with Ruvik and the reader in the barn, and I hate that but I feel like the story's need it for the character to understand and for the breaking point to happen. I don't like writing them or reading them in other authors fanfictions and I don't know if people like reading them but I promise you it will get better. Also this chapter is a Christmas present to you guys, not a very good one but hell merry Christmas guys or happy Hanukkah or Sacajawea, Happy Holidays!

I also feel like a lot of TEW fanfictions include Leslie and I don't know if you guys want to see him in this but is in the timeframe where Leslie first comes into stem, if you don't want to see him anymore just say it, please I really need to know to keep you guys happy.

Anyway, happy holidays guys love you all thank you so much for reading, it really does make me feel special when you guys comment things, thanks to the people who do and if you read my story in general

Also NO the character is not going to die.

Update: okay its settled, Lesile wont get any big role, this is just based upon the time he was first introduced into stem but NO BIG ROLE.

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