Chapter 14

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"Keep me.. with you?"

your words tripped on not confusion but of fear.
He smirked and you pulled away from him, attracting your way to the corner of the room where the bed nuzzled the wall.

"You fear this world. Which, to you, is a circle of hell. What it really is," his fingertip met your forehead, then a loom circle of people of memory stood around the room. They didn't speak or show any signs of life, they nearly stared to the center of the room where Ruvik stood.

"is a circle...." he continued, pulling his finger away and directing it across the room, making its mark on the forehead of each person, and then eventually...
"of thought."
putting it to his own head.

Something in your head clicked. The people of memory where unmistakably familiar.
the patient in white.

You got up slowly from the bed, keeping your worried, angered eyes on Ruvik.
Making your way around the room but keeping your body close to the wall, making sure he wouldn't strike you. You lunged at the door and clumsily opened it, your left foot stuttered it's movement over the right one.
You ran down the hall, knowing it was no use but to play pray again.
It was a house of mirrors,
and with every mirror had a 50/50 chance to reflect your own face.

Or his.

"Don't you trust me (Y/N)"
You looked for the reflective traitor.
Left. Left. Up. Right.
Found you.

You smashed the mirror, where he reflected, with your fist. You shook off the pain, cracked your neck, and wiped the
blood on your vile, now sickening, volunteer uniform. 

"I wanted nothing but to kill you at first in that elevator,"
Right. Right. Left.
The sound danced off the walls. The light show of glass was nearly a rain of colors that reflected blue and white.

"Now I can't even stand when your in distress."
You found it instantly.
You smashed it with your elbow. Opening new wounds and dropping new tears. You peeled the reflective dimensions from the white, screaming walls. The newly exposed blood was warmth in your fingertips. And yet, you cringed at the pain.
Your distress was raw, this would upset him, you knew. He was animalistic.

"Stop hurting yourself. Before I force you."
Left. Left. In front of you.
You swung your bloodied fist, but the reflection caught it, or rather, Ruvik himself. He looked at you saddened, wiped your tears as you kept your surprised face.
"When I die today. Try not to taste your tears." You sarcastically spat the words at him. You turned around and grabbed a shard of glass and took it to your throat.
You sliced the side, before he used telepathy to throw it across the room.

Your test worked.
He wanted you alive, yes, but for what? What was he plotting.
You looked at him and smiled sarcastically.
"Fine, do whatever the hell-"
he cut you off, kissing your forehead and resting his head on yours.
"You won't get out alive without me, the problem is, you don't want to. Fine then, I have no choice but to keep you a prisoner then, for your safety."
You let your body go limp. Until it finally came out.

"Where are those other assholes who came to hell in the same wagon as me?"

Victim of the Antidote: Ruvik x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum