"I like your voice," Charlotte whispered as she looked up with a smile.

"Th- thank you..." she whispered lightly as she let the little girl lay down on the bed.


Olivia was about to go out hunting by herself but she soon caught the attention of Bellamy who wouldn't let her venture on her own because it was "too dangerous".

Soon Bellamy became a hunting party and Olivia couldn't be more miserable. Large groups create more noise causing stealth to be out of the question.

Walking forth with her bow ready and loaded she saw a face she almost didn't recognize, it was an old friend of hers before she was arrested. Atom.

They locked eyes with one another before he sped walked towards her gaining the attention of Bellamy that just watched the interation with stern eyes.

"O- Olivia?" He asked as he looked at the tattoo ridden girl.

She pulled her shirt and showed her name tattooed on her chest offering him a nod as he cupped her cheeks.

"Its been so long," he whispered as he hugged her tightly causing her to cling to him afraid this was the last she'd ever see of him.

"C'mon! We don't have time to waste! Grounders could be watching us- we need to get hunting." Bellamy said gruffly as he grew tired of their show.


Olivia saw a pig and just as she was about to shoot it, she heard a noise behind her causing her to turn and see Bellamy's axe going straight for Charlotte.

Reacting quickly, although it seemed like slow motion, she shot her arrow causing it to push the axe off target and into  the tree and not the small girl.

Her own eyes widened at her reflex as she stared at the arrow broken on the ground below the axe.

She quickly ran to the girl checking for any injuries, she sighed in relief when she found nothing but the red-tint in her cheeks.

"Thanks..." Charlotte whispered gratefully as she hugged Olivia.

"What are you doing out here?? I almost killed you. It's not safe out here for a little girl, there are grounders out," Bellamy warned the young girl with a glare.

Truth be told his hard demeanor was just a front, as his heart beat was going a mile a minute.

"I'm not a little girl... I couldnt take the boy's groans anymore, I thought I was going to go crazy," she said softly as she looked to Olivia who only gave her a sympathetic look.

"You ever kill anything before?" Bellamy asked with a smirk as he walked up to the girl.

All he got was a shake of his head and an unrecognizable look from Olivia.

"Who knows, maybe you're good at it," he said as he gave her a knife and began walking.


As they continued walking they heard a horn blaring as an orange mist began coming at a fast pace.

Olivia looked with her jaw clenched shut as it came at an alarming rate only for Bellamy to grab her arm and start running, Charlotte clinging onto his other arm.

Just as they reached the caves a bit of the gas caught Olivias hand causing her to wince in pain at the excruciating burning, but not cry out.

Ignoring her hand she traveled deeper in the cave wanting the three to be away from the entry way.

Her wince didn't come unnoticed to the two before them causing them to have concerned looks on their faces.

"I think we'll be safe in here," Bellamy said softly as he sat down as did Charlotte.

"What do you think it is?" Charlotte asked curiously trying to take a look at Olivia's hand and the damage it caused.

This caused Olivia to look at her own hand as it trembled before her.

What she could see was bloody, blistered skin that seemed burned and hurt to the touch.

She almost fainted but caught herself by leaning on the cave walls, her hands were the one things that were left of her untouched by Craig and his friends.

Bellamy quickly sprang up and helped her sit down, looking down at her with a concerned look in his eyes.

"You're okay, we're safe in here... We're all safe in here, you're safe here." Bellamy said soothingly as he rubbed her shoulder not wanting to make her seem uncomfortable.

"They can't hurt you anymore Olivia... You're free," Charlotte said with a smile as she grabbed her good hand lightly causing Olivia to slightly nod still cautious of her actions and beliefs.

There was only one thing running rhrough the mind of Olivia Fairhaven:

There was only one thing running rhrough the mind of Olivia Fairhaven:

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"It still hurts inside."

Charlottes words made Bellamy grow curious as he had only heard some stories of why the silent woman was in fact silent, but then again most tales are heavily watered down...

Especially those of Olivia Fairhaven.


《Silence》B. Blake [1]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя