Chapter One

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This is my first upload it is a draft, I am absolutely certain that I will rewrite, mix and match up chapters as I reread through it, please feel free to give feedback. Oh and please if you actually like it, vote!

I work full time so uploads will be when they fit in with life.

My aim for this book is to be unlike anything you've read before, let me know as you think it is.

Thank you, Chloe.

Chapter One.

I could feel it coming again. The tightening around my swollen stomach, the pain in my lower back intensified and I had to stop and breathe through it.

I felt ridiculous, upset, alone and terrified. A 20 year old, female, coyote amalgam, full term pregnant, struggling through the rural outskirts of Hebinon. In the middle of a thunderstorm of course. My black curls had erupted into a wild mane in the humidity and rain, my white  summer dress was now bloodied and brown, almost see-through in places where the blood and mud had missed. My legs were covered in amniotic fluid, my feet had had to bear me this far without boots, I hadn't been able to put my own shoes on in months.

 I stand tall like a human, I have a layer of padding over the palms of my hands and fingers as well as my feet and toes. Remnants of paw pads. Coyote ears divide my curly hair on each side of my head, and my tail begins at the base of my spine following the line of my tail bone, the fluffy fur that covers my tail and ears is a mix of black, dark brown and silver, I have darker tones than most coyotes but everybody is different . My skin isn't covered in fur, but almost has a seasonal suede under pelt. It's so thin my skin can be seen beneath it, during the winter it thickens up making me look tanned funnily enough.  My face still harbours my sharp features, high arched, thin black eyebrows, high cheekbones, small rounded chin and petite mouth graced with plump lips. My eyes are canine, golden yellow, with large black pupils framed by my own thick lashes  My usually slim and toned body looked unnatural with a huge stomach protruding. I didn't care I'd be back to my old self in no time. Back to wearing my black jeans or leather short shorts, my ripped up t shirts and wifebeaters. I missed my crossbow, I missed hunting. I couldn't wait to put my own boots on and lace them up to my knees.

I sat against a low wall, the cool concrete easing my sticky skin. Rolling my shoulders, I scanned the surrounding area.

I was about to leave the wooded country side of my groups territory and venture into no mans land. I'd been travelling on foot for at least two hours, slow going when you can barely waddle and each obstacle is like climbing a mountain. Every time I picked up the scent of another amalgam or possible predator I had to divert my path, I was in no state to defend myself. Across the field was my safe place. The den that I had chosen soon after I realised I'd been impregnated. It's the only human house that still stands in the subdivision. The rest had been looted and burnt down or left to fall to pieces as the human war raged over a decade ago, now they were as much use as firewood.

 As far as I could see there were over grown gardens, concrete marking where the roads and driveways used to be, cars stripped of insides and rubbish. Houses had fallen into themselves, and there was nothing left of them except the rotting timber that sat behind a lonely letterbox, or in front of a bleached white tree with a rope swing.

A great growling rumbled overhead, my ears pricked to the East the direction of natural racket. This wasn't exactly how I'd imagined I'd give birth to my first litter of pups. The weather irritated me, why did it have to drop a storm on top of me at this time?

My feet were growing numb in the icy mud, time to move on. I straightened, somewhat, placed a hand on my lower back and tried to shuffle down the gentle slope. Another contraction, the cramping pain shot from my groin to my back, I fell to my knees clutching my stomach. Through gritted teeth I focused on breathing until it passed. As I sat in the mud, the rain drenching me, I wondered weather it would have been like this if I hadn't of become an amalgam. Would birth have been in a sterilized hospital for me then? All white, warm and clean? Stupid instincts, canine instincts especially.

I looked up, the den wasn't far, maybe 20-30 metres from where I sat. I attempted to stand but the immense bulk of my stomach coupled with the lack of energy had me on my hands and knees. I felt the tightening again, like I had a cattle prod up my ass. I let out a strangled cry, it went on longer than before. My hands balled into fists and I began to crawl forward, the cold was sapping the last of my strength, it wasn't safe out here and I had to get into the den. Instinct you see.

At last I clawed the front step of the safe house, I couldn't smell anyone nearby or inside. With the help of the stair rail I pulled my huge body to its feet and climbed the three stairs to the porch and hobbled through the empty door frame. Collapsing on the floor I felt the burning stinging sensation start. I laid back against what was once a couch and pulled my sodden dress up over my head and off. Laying it between my open legs I began to cry.

This wasn't right, it didn't feel right. I blubbered uncontrollably, like a lost child, I wept. It shouldn't be this terrifying. I shouldn't be here by myself. In the cold, in the dark, in this house, alone.  Was it like this for all mothers? Were contractions supposed to be this painful so quickly? Is something going wrong in there?

I closed my eyes, calmed my racing heart and let the simple act of breathing lull me into a sense of control. I could put myself in more danger by becoming a mess, any loud sound could alert passersby to my condition. Which in turn would lead to the death of myself and the pups.

"I am Arrex and I have control." I whispered.

As the waves of pain became more frequent, the burning grew. I don't know how long I pushed through the labour, I don't know when the storm stopped or when the sun entered the sky. I remember flashes of blood, my body being bathed in sweat and my muscles quivering with effort.

 I looked down at my two beautiful pups, my children, and held them to my breasts to nurse. Instinct and adrenaline had pulled me through, it had kicked in as the first pup began to crown, I pulled him from my body and stared at him, shocked for a moment before I cleaned him roughly, the same with the second. I had held them to me, silently crying with happiness as their quiet mewing filled my heart. I felt elated, it was all worth it. My head rolled back against the couch and I grinned, tears still rolling down my cheeks as I pushed locks of blacks hair from my face.

 I removed the afterbirth and tied off the cords straight after and managed to throw it wrapped up in a bundle down a hole in the floorboards, I couldn't bury it now, even that small effort made my head pound.  My vision was blurred and I couldn't speak but had two of the most perfect creations I had ever seen. The male was the larger of the two, with jet black hair atop his head, it looked like the fur on his ears and tail would be a very dark colour, much like myself. The female was only slightly smaller, her ears barely covered in fur, her tail seemed shorter, her colouring a normal silvery-grey and brown. I smiled and my lips cracked and bled. I didn't care, I had done it.

Naked and dirty, I fell into unconsciousness.

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