Can You Hear Me Now?

Start from the beginning

"Hey!Is that the missing phone?"she asked Zuri."This is not the phone you're looking for.Go about your business.Move along."Zuri said, waving her hand in our faces."Zuri, that didn't work when you wanted our pudding.It's not going to work now."I told her.

"And I can't believe you have the missing phone.Give it to me."Emma demanded."Nooo.I need to call the deli.The only locks around here are on the doors of the ice cream freezer."Zuri said.I shrugged.She wasn't wrong.

"Zuri, as a CIT, it's my job to uphold the rules."Emma told her."Ok, but before I lost a signal, I saw that you were down another 20,000 followers."Zuri lied.Emma gasped."Your gonna wind up like Jeanette Nucom."Zuri said.

"Who's Jeanette Nucom?"Emma asked worriedly."Exactly,"she replied.Emma grabbed the phone from out of her hands.I pulled her to the side."I know what you're planning and your not going to drag me into it."I told her.

"But, on the other hand, I need to check my followers on Instagram, so I'm in."I said quickly.She nodded in satisfaction.



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(Minus the glasses)

The next day, Emma, Zuri, and I were tried to get a signal, but our plan didn't work."I'm really disappointed."Emma said."Yeah.I was sure that would get us a signal."I said."Your disappointed?I'm the one that got attacked by that stupid hawk."Zuri said.

"He burst my balloons and my dreams of deli in my belly."Zuri said,crossing her arms."Well, it was all a waste of time."I said to her."Yeah.While you were plummeting back to Earth, I heard Lou say Gladys controls the wifi router and only activates it on Sunday."Emma told us.

"Great.How are we going to build a router?"Zuri said."And if we did, it would have to be like 20 feet high."I said to them.Then, out of nowhere, Xander came in on a tractor with a huge tree."This tree is perfect.It must be like 20 feet high!"He said to the campers.

"Problem solved.Now we just have build one of those router thingamahooes."Emma said."Good luck with that.We had to pay some 6 year olds to build our dream catchers."Zuri reminded her."I didn't."I said, raising my hand.

"And good point.Were gonna need some 6 year olds."Emma said, looking around."I'm pretty sure that there's a another way."I told her.

We walked in to see Ravi and Tiffany in the middle of a chess game."How cute.You really think I would fall for Curry Aachen's cambit?"Ravi said to her."You just did."Tiffany told him, taking one of his spawns.

"Check mate, son!"she exclaimed.We walked back out."Forget the 6 year olds."I said."Yeah, we just hit the nerd jackpot."Zuri told us."Ravi and Tiffany?Problem is those goody four shoes would never break a rule."Emma said to us.

"They might if they don't know there breaking a rule."Zuri said."Ahhhh, so were going to break the rules by having them break the rules, but the won't know their breaking the rules, so that way we don't get caught breaking the rules."Emma ranted.

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