Slipping off my Vans, I kicked them to the side nonchalantly as my fingers held the wall for guidance. It was completely pitch black and all of the blinds had been closed as well, leaving no room for my sight.

It wasn't late in the day, though, which confused me slightly. Josh's car was out at the front so someone had to be home. Maybe Josh was taking a nap? Either way, he was scared of the complete darkness, so he had to have had some light on. I remained lost on the situation.

"Ah," I sighed in relief, my finger finally finding the switch and flicking it on to reveal a bunch of bodies springing up into the air, yelling "surprise!"

Balloons floated up to the ceiling and party poppers sent streamers flying, jolting me in absolute shock. A welcome home banner was held up by none other than Josh and Ryan themselves.

"Wow, what's all this guys?" I turned to Josh, my body being engulfed by my mother and father. Zack had scuffed up my hair annoyingly before joining along in the embrace.

"Just a small welcome back party. We're all very proud of you, Ty," Josh smiled sincerely, his arm wrapping around my shoulder.

I took a few moments to greet my family and a few friends from Ohio who made the trip. Music began playing softly in the background and many gathered into the living room to spend time with one another.

My breath hitched into my throat suddenly as I was pulled into the kitchen, my body then being embraced tightly by Ryan's small self, "You did it, Tyler. How are you feeling? Is Blurry gone completely?" She flustered me with questions as she had let me breathe.

"Um," I chuckled, catching some air, "I'm feeling fine, Ryan. He's not in here anymore," I pointed to my head before crossing my arms over my chest.

Ryan nodded softly to herself almost, taking into consideration what I had said, "I'm glad to hear that. No more problems happened after group?"

I shook my head proudly, "Nope. Determination is a funny thing -"

" - A good thing," Ryan added, her arm wrapping around Josh's waist as he came to join us. He seemed so giddy and intrigued with everything, "You look great, buddy. Like you've slept for once."

We all chuckled softly, my eyes finding the floor as I rubbed the back of my neck, "Sleeping pills."

That was enough to let Ryan and Josh understand what the magic behind it was, "Ah," they'd said simultaneously, giggling to each other afterwards.

"Come, we'll show you to your room," Josh offered, grabbing my arm and leading me past the living room and over into a quiet hallway, "Ryan and I are right across from you," He gestured to the room which was indeed located where he stated, "I know you're trying to get out of here in a month for some reason, but Tyler, stay as long as you want. Please, you will never be so much to call a burden, ever, okay? Get yourself comfortable, I'll go grab your bags from the front," Josh excused himself leaving Ryan and I alone once again.

"Take what Josh said into consideration, yeah? It's nice having you around here, man," Ryan lightened the mood with her smile, nudging me later with her arm.

Instinctually we had both sat down across from one another onto the bed, the atmosphere becoming a little more serious.

"They cleaned up the old house you know?" Ryan more so stated, her blue eyes meeting my brown ones. An odd feeling entered me, causing my stomach to churn, "It's for sale now, though. I'm going to miss it over there."

"Me too," I admitted, agreeing with the quiet girl, "I remembered how much you liked the whole rustic feel to it."

She shrugged her narrow shoulders, pushing her blonde hair away to tuck behind her ears, "The whole modern house concept never sat right with me for some reason. Homes like that never felt comforting, if that makes sense. It was always like things were too pretty to touch, or to sit in or use. The old house just had something that felt familiar. It just felt like a home rather than something designed for a high-end magazine."

"I understand," I'd said, feeling as though I could definitely relate. Josh entering back into the room had gathered our attention. He placed my suitcase down onto the floor beside the dresser, his head popping up rapidly like some sort of mongoose, "Um, why are you two still in here? Get out and enjoy the party you weirdos," Josh chuckled, already making his way back out the door and into the living room.

Ryan and I glanced to each other, laughing to ourselves softly before getting onto our feet and following behind Josh.

I knew I needed something to get my mind away from itself for now before the thoughts would shortly creep back in. Make the most of the next week, Tyler.

Sincerely, Tyler  ▸ (Sequel to Dear, Rosemary)Where stories live. Discover now