Viktuuri week: Demon au

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"Phichit drew the circle!" Yuuri screamed at him and the demon shrugged. "You still summoned me,"

"Yuuri calm down. Let's just delete the pentagram and not do that again. I know you don't like all of the things I put you through, but honestly all I want is for you to have a little fun," Phichit replied and pushed the bowl of ice cream into Yuuri's hands.

"And this apperently didn't work, so let's just clean up the chalk and be done, okay?" Phichit said and took a wet towel he brought with him.

"You know, just saying, but if you delete the pentagram I'll stay with you forever," the demon shrugged and Yuuri's eyes widened.

"Phichit no!" but it was too late. The outter line of the pentagram was already smudged.

"Oh well, too late, then," the demon smirked at Yuuri and wrapped his arms around the other's petit waist once more. Yuuri didn't move away this time, he just helplessly stared at how his friend was cleaning up the floor.

He put down the ice cream and sighed.

"It's getting late," Phichit said.

"Yeah I'll head home soon," Yuuri said and looked at the demon. "You go back to hell,"

Phichit looked at him weirdly. "Who are you talking to? Stop pretending to see a demon and tease me with it. I get it, I won't push you into something you don't want again," he raised his hands up in his defence.

"Ohh Yuuri, I told you. After the pentagram is deleted I can't return. I have to stay with the human forever, until they die," the demon replied.

"Can you just tell me your name then?" Yuuri asked the demon, Phichit still looking at him in confusion.

"Viktor," the demon replied and smirked.

Yuuri sighed. "Wow original,"

"I can't decide if you're being sarcastic or not right now," Viktor smirked. "C'mon, let's go home! I can't wait to see my new home,"

"Go away!" Yuuri screamed again. With that he put on his shoes, took his jacket and said goodbye to Phichit, who was still looking at him confused, before storming off into the night.

When he arrived to his home, he locked the door behind him and sighed. Maybe he got rid of the demon.

"Wow such a nice apartment," Yuuri heard someone say and he looked at Viktor who peeked out of the bedroom.

"What the hell?" Yuuri groaned.

Viktor came closer and leaned down to the shorter boy. The height difference wasn't big, but it was still enough for Viktor to bend down.

"Stop staring at me like that," Yuuri groaned and tried to push Viktor away, but he just grabbed Yuuri's hands and held them close.

"You know which demon you summoned?" Viktor asked as Yuuri tried to get out of his grip.

"No and I don't care," Yuuri replied, being annoyed by the demon.

"Hm I thought you wouldn't, but let's just say a name and you search for it on google or something," Viktor said.

"How would you know about google?" Yuuri asked and stopped struggling.

"I don't live in Stone age, you know?" Viktor huffed. "Astaroth,"

"What's even that?" Yuuri groaned.

"Just search, would you?"

Yuuri rolled his eyes and typed the name into the search bar.

Astaroth – (Phonician)- demon of lust, seduction. Same as Ishtar. Turned male in christian mythology – Lord Treasurer of Hell. Prince of accusers and inquisitors. Demon of vanity and sloth. One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.

"It says you're a girl," though Yuuri was terrified by the fact he was facing a demon of lust and seduction, when he was obviously a virgin. There was also no way he'd do that with a demon.

Viktor rolled his eyes and smriked at Yuuri as he saw how the color was drained from his face. "You look scared,"

"I'm not!" his voice jumped a tone higher, which he'd only do when he was nervous or scared.

"Mhm," Viktor pushed Yuuri back to the couch and climbed on top of him. "What's wrong, Yuuri? Never done this before?"

"Let me go, please!" Yuuri screamed as he struggled to get away from Viktor, but his grip was too strong. There were tears in his eyes.

Was he going to lose his virginity to a demon?

"Oh Yuuri," Viktor smiled and touched the other's cheek. "You're so cute when you cry,"

"Get off me!" Yuuri said as Viktor's eyes widened and stopped. Yuuri looked confused as it why he would stop.

Viktor got off him and walked to the corner and leaned on the wall. His eyes didn't look the same as before.

"Wha..-" Yuuri was confused.

"Look at your hand," Viktor sighed. Yuuri did as he was told and when he did, a small pentagram was tattooed on his wrist. "It means that you're my master and I have to do everything you order me to,"

Yuuri's eyes widened and he looked the tattoo closer, seeing its detailes. "This is stupid."

"No. I'm your loyal servant for the rest of your life. I can make your dreams come true and I can help you get what you want," Viktor sighed.

Yuuri looked suspiciously at the demon. "What is in it for you? This kind of stuff is never free,"

"Good assumption," Viktor laughed. "Only your first time, that is,"

Yuuri shouldn't be surprised, but he was anyway. "That's absurd,"

"Oh well. It's your choice. Either way I'll be here to annoy you. It's your choice if I have my magic or not," Viktor smirked, fu well knowing that he wasn't giving Yuuri a lot of choice.

Viktor came closer once again and touched Yuuri's shoulder. "C'mon. Let's make this easier for you," he leaned in and pressed their lips together.

Yuuri didn't hate it, he quite liked it, but he broke the kiss. "But what if a person that wasn't a virgin summoned you. What would happen then?"

"I wouldn't be summoned," Viktor replied, clicking his tongue.

"F-Fine. Just be quick,"

"Quick? If I do that it will hurt," Viktor smirked.

"Do whatever you want. J-Just get over with it,"


The next morning, Yuuri felt sore. He wouldn't admit it, but it wasn't as bad as he expected it to be.

He stood up, his lower part still hurt a little as he dressed himself and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Yuuri!" Viktor greeted him. He was in the kitchen, apperently making pancakes. "Was it that bad?"

"I prefer not to answer that," Yuuri mumbled as Viktor appeared in front of him, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Okay, then let's start our journey to make you the world known ice skater!"

There was a silence. "You seem very enthusiastic about it,"

"Hm, I sure am,"


Sorry if this was kinda dirty ha..ha..ha tho I know this isn't a lot, but I'm not used to write this...

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