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He had been fu*king another woman.

The thought made Swara gasp involuntarily, & when she noticed his partially unbuttoned jeans, a broken cry slipped past her lips.😢

Sanskar cursed when he saw where she was looking at, his fingers automatically going to the buttons.
Sanskar- Swara-
She shook her head furiously.
Swara- You don't have to explain.😕
Sanskar- Then why are u looking at me like that?
Swara couldn't speak she knew that the answer to it was inside her somewhere, but she had buried it so deep she didn't know where to find it anymore.
Sanskar swore & she flinched at the sound of it.
Sanskar- Don't look so goddamn hurt.😡
He snarled.
She lifted her chin.
Swara- I'm not.
But her voice shook at the end.
Sanskar- F*ck! F*ck!
A look of bitter rage darkened his face & Sanskar looked around wildly as if searching for something he could thrash violently.

Sanskar- What did u f*cking expect me to do, Swara? You're another guy's girlfriend.😈😠😡
Swara- I know!😠
She shouted the words out. She had to. If she let herself soften just one bit, she would break down, & she wouldn't ever be the same again if that happened.
Sanskar- What did u think I'd f*cking do? Wait for u forever?
Swara shook her head, crying now.😢 She hurt. They both hurt. But she just couldn't see a way out for both of them to escape their hearts intact.

He grabbed her hand & placed it on his d*ck, which was still fully erect.🙈
Sanskar- Do u feel that, Swara? I'm f*cking hard for u all the time & it's goddamn hell knowing I can only touch myself & imagine that it's u.
When I f*ck some other girl, I have to pretend she's u.😒

A look of pain pleasure twisted his face as Sanskar pushed her hand harder against his d*ck.
Sanskar- I wanted to fight for u, Swara. I goddamn wanted to steal u away from that prick!
He curled his hand around hers, forcing Swara to curl her fingers around his d*ck.
Sanskar- When I tried to make u choose me, u made me pay by being f*cking his! & now that I've stayed away, you're looking me like I'm goddamn wrong again!
She sobbed out.😢
Swara- I don't know-
Sanskar- Bullshit! You're not crying bcoz u don't know, Swara. U know what u want me to do but bcoz you're such a goddamn coward you'd rather let Sahil play with u-

Swara snatched her hand away from his hold & slapped him.
Swara- U don't understand!
Sanskar- Then make me!
Sanskar roared.😈😠😡
Sanskar- U have me on my f*cking knees, Swara. Do u want me to fight for u? Do u want me to stay away? Tell me what the hell I can do just so that u won't f*cking belong to someone else!
Swara- Sanskar-mmph!
His lips slammed over hers. Passion exploded b/w them, & sheer strength of it made her lips part in shock.💏 🙈

Sanskar's tongue immediately thrust in, swooping into her mouth, tasting her as if his kiss meant to mark her his.😍😍
There wasn't anything sweet & tender in Sanskar's kiss. It was raw & demanding, & she loved it. She was obsessed by it. Putting a stop to Sanskar's kiss didn't even cross her mind, the kiss claiming her in a way that Swara was no longer herself. She was simply his.😍😍

Sanskar's tongue thrust in & out of her, melting with her tongue, & she could have died for the sensations that his deep & masterful kiss churned out.
Her kiss demanded,& she yielded.

His lower body pushed against her, & she pushed back without thinking, loving the pulsing heat of Sanskar's hard length.😉🙈

The next thing she knew Sanskar jumped away from her, & the glare in his eyes made Swara gaze back at him in hurt confusion.
Sanskar- You're so f*cking confusing you're driving me crazy!😍
He growled.
Swara- You're so f*cking confusing, too.
She half-screamed, unable to understand how Sanskar could be so mad after the kiss they had shared.
Swara- What do u want from me?
Sanskar- U know what I f*cking want. It's u who doesn't f*cking know what u goddamn want!
Sanskar took a challenging step towards her, his chest shaking with every ragged breath he took.
Sanskar- Tell me, Swara. Does this f*cking mean you'll leave him? R u mine now?

His words worked like a bucket of cold water thrown at her.
Oh God, Oh God, Oh God. 😱😱😱😱
What had she done?
Swara- What's it going to be this time, Swara?
The skies answered him with a drizzle, the raindrops falling harder & faster that they completely drenched in seconds.
But the cold didn't penetrate her body, & Swara didn't even think of pulling away when Sanskar grabbed her hand.
She was gutted by Sanskar's words, so conflicted & torn Swara didn't even know how or where to start fixing what was wrong b/w them.
Sanskar- Let's make a run of it!
He shouted over the rain.
Sanskar didn't hesitate with the twists & turns as they ran, stopping only when they came upon an empty waiting shed.

Swara sat on the bench, teeth chattering but not bcoz of the rain. She was frozen inside with terror. She & Sanskar had kissed.

Just the memory of it frightened her, & she didn't even know how to tell Sahil about it.
Sanskar- Cold?
She shook her head.
Her tears had dried but the pain in her heart hadn't receded.
An entire minute passed b4 he spoke again.
Sanskar- What now, Swara?
The icy finger of terror clawed at her, & Swara hugged herself tightly.
Swara whispered- Nothing.😢
Sanskar inhaled sharply.
Swara felt him turning to her, but she kept her gaze glued to the front & away from him. It was the only way she could survive this.
Sanskar- Why can't u choose me, Swara? Why won't u stop running away?
He sounded shattered😢, & the lies she was had planned to spout died on her throat.
Swara whispered- Too scared.
Sanskar stilled.
Sanskar- Of me?
She shook her head.
Swara- Of what u make me's not what I want.

His voice turned grim.
Sanskar- It may not what u want but it's what u need. I'm the one u f*cking need, Swara.
She bent her head down so he wouldn't see how hard she was trying not to cry again.
Swara- I'm with Sahil now. I'll always be with Sahil.

Through the haze of her tears, she saw Sanskar's fist clench at her words.
Sanskar- You will be with me one day. It will happen & u won't be able to stop it. You're mine. Always been. Always will be.😈
He frightened her when he was like this, but what frightened her more was how every cell of her being cried out for him at his words.

He stood up & she could feel him looking down on her.
Sanskar- It's just a matter of time.
She quickly covered her mouth to keep a sob from coming out when she felt him press his lips to her forehead.😢
Sanskar- Call Sahil now & ask him to pick u up.

Sanskar walked away & she pressed her hands harder to her mouth, struggling for control. It took a while to regain her composure & only then did she call Sahil.
When he arrived, she couldn't stop herself from looking around, hoping & not hoping for a glimpse of Sanskar at the same time.

There was none, but she knew he was there, could feel his gaze like it was a chain around her body that she wanted to be locked with forever.

I know many of u are confused from the name on cover pic. So let me clear your doubts.
Hello everyone👋.I'm Tara Raheja. Monica's best friend. From now I'll continue her all the ffs.

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I hope u liked it...Its my first attempt to write a ff so do tell me if I made any mistake.
If u are not satisfied by my writing or any other problem...u can tell me☺

& ya I forgot u ask u...which ff u want me to post next? Do comment...
So now I'm taking off...see u all with another episode of this ff or RD or NTL as you'll decide by your comments😊
Take care everyone😀

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