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Sanskar-Come on.Atleast tell me why u hate me so I'll know what I did wrong.

Swara-I don't hate u.

She was hedging,& they both knew it.

He gave her smile that was more sardonic than puzzled even though he felt both.As someone who came from a family that had billions in their bank account for over a century,the first lesson his parents had taught him that how to spot a gold-digger mile away.

Swara was no gold-digger,not even a remotest sense,but Sanskar almost wished she was.At least then he would knew where he stood with her.Right now he couldn't find out a way to get to her,& it frustrated the hell out of him.

Sanskar-U don't hate me,but u don't like me either.Why is that?

She toyed with her necklace,a simple chain with 💗 shaped pendant,bringing it to her 👄 in nervousness gesture he also found oddly s*xy.

Swara-I just...I don't hate u,okay?W-we just met.I wouldn't have any reason---

Sanskar said swiftly...

Sanskar-If u don't hate me,prove it.Go out with me😉.

Just swiftly she answered...



He smirked😎

The scowl she saw him made him surpress a smile.

How would she feel if she learned that her cute angry face was more a turn on for him,& that little scowl of her just made him want to f*ck her more?

Wanting to tease her even more,he murmured...

Sanskar-Give me 1 reason & I won't bother u again.

He fished out his lighter from his jeans pocket & then his cigarette pack from another.Swara suddenly said...

Swara-I don't like guys who smoke.

Sanskar-But ur friend smokes.

Sanskar had a hard time keeping his face expressionless when he saw flare of dismay in her eyes.She was a terrible lier,adorably so.

Swara-It''s different.

He looked at her intently.

Sanskar-U mean it in a way,don't u?

She shrugged.

Sanskar rolled his eyes,but he threw the barely used stick on the ground anyway,grinding it with his shoe.P*s*y whipped at the first day,he thought.

Worse,he didn't care,not he saw how happy it made Swara.

Swara hastily wiped the smile off her face at Sanskar's knowing glance.

Sanskar-Made u that happy,huh?😄

Swara-I hope u didn't do it for me.

She muttered stiffly.

You should have done it for urself.

He couldn't help chuckling.😉

She sounded like nun.

Sanskar-You're one of those good girls,aren't u?The kind--

Swara-I just don't like guys who smoke.

She said shortly.

Sanskar wanted to curse.Was she mad about the smoking or was it bcoz he was guilty of generalizing her?Whichever the case,Sanskar had said the wrong thing again,something the all-too perfect Sahil Sen Gupta probably would never have thought of saying.

Before he could apologize,someone had gone under his arm to emerge next to him like a pop-out arm candy.

Tanya-Hey there,lover😍

It was Tanya,one of the senior students that made up the party's organization committee.She wore a corset styled top & denim skirt,& Sanskar knew it if he glanced down he would be able to see all the way to her perky breasts.

She tip toed to 💋😗 Sanskar on the lips.(😠😠😈😡)

Tanya-I'm finally off duty.Let's go?

Tanya threw her surroundings with a dismissive glance.

Tanya-This place is for loser😏.

The dismay in Swara's eyes deepened into distrust,& this time Sanskar swore out loud.

Tanya's head turned to him sharply.


He wanted to shake the other girl off him,but years of etiquette training prevented him.


It took a lot to keep his smile friendly.

Sanskar-That was a shitty thing to say & u know it.

She pouted,trailing her fingers over his arm.

Tanya-I'm sorry.It's just that I want to get u alone.I can't stop thinking about ur d*ck--

Sanskar-Tanya darling,now is really not the time to talk about that.

Sanskar face was flushed as his eyes jerked towards Swara's.

Swara nodded at him,her eyes unable meet his,just b4 she turned away.

Sanskar didn't hesitate to disentangled himself from Tanya's clingy hold when Swara started walking away.F*ck no!

He was not letting go of her just like that.He caught after Swara,causing her to gasp as he forcibly whirled her around.

Swara didn't want to meet his eyes.

His grip tightened.

Sanskar-Forget about her.We don't have anything serious going on.But u...

Sanskar inhaled.His voice was urgent as he said.

Sanskar-You're different,Swara.Go out with me.

She pulled away from his hold.

Swara-I'm sorry,no.

She turned away again,& this time he let her go.He didn't go after her.,but he kept his gaze on her all the way until she reached the exit doors of the auditorium.

Too much.Sanskar had a feeling he has made his move too f*cking fast,pushing her too f*cking hard & he was going to pay for it.

How was the part?😀

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