
808 48 3

1 Year Earlier

Midnight was the best time to take photos of the campus, especially after stressing over the finals.

All the streets were brightly lit but empty, the silvery sheen of moonlight turning whatever it touched into a back-&-white still painting.

Swara stretched luxuriously, arms over & behind her head, her joints aching after being on her knees taking close-up shots of roses that were just about to bloom😍. The night was colder than usual, making her wish she had worn something thicker than her cotton shirt & denim shorts.

Looking around, Swara found nothing familiar in her surroundings. Even after 2 years of college, her mind sill couldn't quite grasp at how enormous the university's property was.

Just as Swara was about to turn around & retrace her footsteps, something rustled behind the trees, followed by sound that seemed like moan of pains. Swara stilled, waiting for another sound even though she prayed at the same time that there wouldn't be one.

Another pain-filled moan emerged, & Swara quickly fumbled for her pepper spray & torch from her pockets. Keeping her footsteps quiet, she slowly walked past the row of rose bushes circling the gazebo, her heart beating faster as the moan grew more frequent & louder.


"Shut up. You know u want this."



A grunt in the darkness.😈😠😡


Reaching the edge of the bushes, she stepped past it & shone the light at where the sounds were coming from.

A moan turned into a shrill scream.

"Shut the light off!"

Swara - I'm sorry!😔

Swara gasped, unprepared to see a couple making out instead of the rape scene she was expecting.

She clumsily struggled to switch the torch off, wishing there was a way to forget what she had just seen.

The girl had her arms around the tree's bark, bent halfway so that her a*s was up in the air while the man she was with trust in & out of her from behind.🙈

Girl snarled- Mind your fu*king business next time, bitch.

Swara looked up in dismay & was even more embarrassed when she saw the girl hastily putting her clothes on.

Swara- I'm sor-

Her voice died when the guy turned around, revealing a familiar set of features, but now the dark hair was matted with sweat, dark brown eyes wide in shock.😱😮

She walked away. But it wasn't enough & soon she was running. Her feet pounded the pavement in heavy steps, the pain lodged inside her heart making her breath come out in broken gasps as she silently urged her legs to move faster.


Swara almost fell down in her haste. But it was a futile effort, & he caught up with her in seconds, forcing her to spin around to face him. It felt like the worst kind of a nightmare that only the most twisted mind could create.

Moonlight cast Sanskar's face in light & shadows, with not even a single shade of gray to numb the pain.

He had been fu*king another woman.

The thought made Swara gasp involuntarily, & when she noticed his partially unbuttoned jeans, a broken cry slipped past her lips.😢

Sanskar cursed when he saw where she was looking at, his fingers automatically going to the buttons.

Sanskar- Swara-

She shook her head furiously.

Swara- You don't have to explain.😕

How's the episode?☺


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