"Tch, whatever. This game was boring as hell." Akasuki said to herself as she took off her headphones. The low tone of her voice made it obvious she was incredibly disappointed with the game she had finished just playing.

Without bothering to turn her monitor off, she stood up from her rolling chair and checked the time on her smartphone.

11:50 P.M.

"Took me too darn long to finish that boss. I need to bathe."

The college student stretched her body out, worn out from having to sit for hours. She waltzed into her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her shoulder length black hair was rustled and uncombed, making it look like she just got out of bed. The dark circles on her eyelids became more evident.

Akasuki sighed upon gazing at her unattractive features. Her new hobby of completing and venturing through MMOs wasn't good for her slow developing body.

After taking a shower, she dried off and dressed herself in a simple t-shirt and shorts. She then sat back down in her rolling chair to turn off the MMO.

12:22 A.M. Akasuki read the time on her computer. I need to take shorter showers.

Her eyes widened slightly upon noticing something on her screen. It was an email from her childhood friend, Euno Yasahiro, titled 'The Game is out, Akasuki. Where are you?' within her inbox.

"The game?" Akasuki muttered to herself, confused by what the message meant. It was then realization struck her like someone smacked her forehead for not understanding immediately.

Without further delay, she flung from her seat to grab a black ring-shaped VR Headset from her closet and dashed back to open her Gamio! account to download a software flashing green on the homepage.

Akasuki then plugged her VR Headset into her monitor and then dialed a number on her smartphone.

"Yo." a soft masculine voice answered seconds later.

"I hate you."

"Were you taking a long shower again? If so, then it's not my fault."

"How far are you into the game?"

"Just started and leveled up a bit. It's pretty sweet."

"Shut up," she scoffed, annoyed by his mocking tone, "I'm gonna stab you for playing ahead of me."

"Yes, blame me for having-"

"Done!" she ended the call upon realizing her download finished and to cut his sentence short, not bothering to hear his criticism. With a toothy grin much like a child opening a box to their new present, she placed her VR Headset on and double clicked the software to open it.

A minute later, green text appeared within her view.

Welcome to... Chromatic World.

As expected, nothing but green and blue zeros and ones showered over Akasuki's display. Akasuki sat in silence as the headset scanned her brain cells. It was a necessary step to test if the user's brain will be able to function within the game's engine.

After what seemed like a minute, she heard a soft ding from the headset speakers and green text appeared.

Scanning Complete. Avatar Creation Complete. Gamio formally thanks you for your purchase of Chromatic World... Akasuki Humiya. Would you care to create a username?

"BoneCrusher69." Akasuki choose the username she used often since she started her new hobby a year ago.

...We apologize, but Chromatic World does not support or endorse sexual or offensive usernames. Please insert username.

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