Chapter 11- A Night in the Out

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I force myself to snap out of it. I tell myself that Danny just got in my head and that I was just being dumb and continued shopping. Thank goodness a see a fold-able rabbit cage in the far corner of the animal section. I leaned over to look at the price and when I did everything went dark.

Louise POV

I fumbled through my purse for my phone. I finally find it and turn my flashlight on. The darkness in the dressing room gave off a creepy feel that I didn't like very much. Mirrors surrounded me and my occasional reflection made me jump constantly as I worked my way out of the dressing room. With the white and green dress draped over my left arm with my right holding up my phone I headed towards the front of the store. Surely there is still a worker her to let me out. I mean they wouldn't close without checking to see if people were still here or not.

Up at the front no one was to be seen so I tried the doors. All locked, and the gate to the main entrance of the mall had been pulled down and there was no way through it unless I somehow turned myself into air. MY phone had service but I had no one to call. And even if there was they wouldn't have a way to get me out.

"Gahhhhhhhh!!! I hate people!!" I screamed before walking into the depths of the store.  I was fed up and done. But I wasn't just going to sit around until morning. Oh no. I was going to explore.

Logan's POV

I crawled out of my hiding spot once I realized that I wasn't going to die. They must have closed. It doesn't surprise me. The bastards seemed like the type to "forget" they still had a customer. I pick up one of the rabbit cages and head towards the front. If it's locked I'll just go out the emergency exit and I'll buy the dumb cage tomorrow.

Halfway to the front I hear an aggravated scream from the front doors. I drop to the floor and begin army crawling to the front. There is either someone in here who can get me out or there is a blood thirsty gladiator who is going to rip me apart. Which ever one it is, I decided I didn't want to be seen until I found out. I finally stand up after crawling into an isle. I peeked out of the isle to see if I could find the source of the scream. I found no sign of anything or anyone so I walked out of the isle and round the corner to the next one.

"Ahhhhhhh!! I know a gang and they will gladly cut any part of your body off!!" The voice of a girl yelled as I yelled, "Ahhhh. Don't Kill me!!"

Louise POV

As my eyes got used to the dark, I could finally see the person standing with fear in their eyes in front of me. Logan freaking Berry Bush stood with his hands out in defense. As the whole situation registered to him his arms dropped.

"Logan what the hell are you doing here?!" I prayed he could see the steam rolling off my skin as my blood boiled just at the sight of him.

"Me? What are you doing here?" He looked me up and down. "And why are you holding a bar mitzvah dress?"

"Bar mitzvahs are for 13 year old Jewish boys you idiot! And for your information I was shopping for a dress for my sister's wedding. That you ruined for me by the way. So thanks. And the dumb employees locked me in here."  I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away when he pulled my arm and turned me back to him.

"That's not fair. I know what I did wasn't okay and I know it screwed things up for you, but you can't blame me for everything."

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