
Caffe Latte...

Caf au Lait...

Caf Mocha (Mochachino)...

Caramel Macchiato...



Creamy Latte

Wews. I haven't taste chocoberry or mochaberry.

Okay. I'll have this MochaBerry.

I walked down the hallway while carrying the mug with coffee.

He's in the living room, watching NBA. He really loves basketball.

"Coffee, you want?"

"Nah. I don't like coffee." He said while his eyes were still on the tv.

The black television is wide. More like 42".

He's leaning on the couch. His arms are wide open, occupying the headrest. And his one leg is squared on his tigh.

He took a glance from me. He smiled lazily at me and darted again his eyes on the tv.

I marched his way while blowing the hot coffee. I laid it on the coffee table.

"I have a question." I said, looking at him directly.

He knotted his eyebrows together and cocked the left one at me.

I know he wouldn't speak or ask "what is it?" like the way he did earlier. He's a little bit short-tempered man. Well, that's only a guess.

"Why thirteen?" I squinted.

He's just staring at me. Feels like, he's inspecting me or something.

"It's my birth date."

He drew his face near to mine. Gosh. I can't breathe Cauli. Really sucks! I could feel his breath against my face.

"Why do you love asking questions..." His eyes diverted to my lips, and to my eyes again. "... when you can just love me anyway?"

"What if I'll tell you "I love you", would you tell me the same?"


My eyes widened. Jeezzzz. Butterflies are getting wilder inside my tummy.

I didn't see that coming! I didn't expect his strong answer.

Did I hear it right? Oh god. I'm starting to panick.

He leaned back to the sofa while laughing softly.

I inhaled deeply. I want to breathe some fresh air, for me to let my words escape.

He's just playing around. I bet.

"If I'll fall in love with you because of your simplest gestures, would you catch me?"

He just smiled.

Damn that smile. I want to scream, screech, yell, squirm and shriek because of this freaking wild feelings

Oh no god. I think I'm falling harder.

"I already did."

What? Did I hear it wrong?

"What do you mean?" I sounded cold, trying to calm myself down.

He drew his face near to mine again! Dammmmmmmmmmnn. I want to cry! Good heaven! Why's this man like this?

He slowly removed my eyeglasses. My vision is still clear. I don't know how did it happen. Maybe because he's a beautiful view? Don't know anymore. I can't even understand this.

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