Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


With Val at his side as the new Mrs. Anoa'i, Joe spent the next two months after his return. Although he was successful in winning the US title from the 300-pounder, he was fighting a seemingly losing battle against his diminutive wife.
"No matter where I'm at on the card, I'm the main event. The guy, baby. Yezzir," Joe said, ending his backstage interview after his title win and walking off camera.
As soon as he rounded the corner, Val excitedly ran up to him.
"I'm so proud of you, babe!"
"I'm sweaty, Doll," he warned before she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"That's never stopped me before," she replied, kissing him.

"Mmm," he moaned, tasting the strawberry-flavored gloss on her lips. "How proud are you?" he asked once she'd pulled herself away from him.


"Well," he started with a sneaky smile, "this title's pretty heavy. I could use a nice massage right now."

"Anything else I can help you with, sir?" she asked, running her index finger down his plump lips.

He wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her in close to his body, dipping his head low to capture her mouth in another kiss. Just as their lips connected, Colby's voice rang out in disgust, causing them to separate once more.

"For crying out loud! I know you guys are newlyweds, but there's a time and a place for everything!" he said, walking up to the couple.

"Sorry, not sorry. There's Cedes" Val said, spotting Mercedes, known to the WWE Universe as "The Boss" Sasha Banks. Since the brand split and Trin's and the twins' move to SmackDown, she and Mercedes had quickly become friends. "I'm gonna go catch a little bit of UpUpDwnDwn. Let me know when you're ready," she added, starting to walk off.

He grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm ready."

"Damn, Joe! I can't ever catch UpUpDwnDwn," she said, folding her arms and pouting.

"Come on, Joe. Cut her some slack," Colby lobbied, planting a soft elbow jab to Joe's rib cage.

Joe rolled his eyes at Colby and shook his head.

"I get rid of JG always sticking up for her. Now, I gotta put up with you," he said, turning his attention to Val. "Meet me back here in ten minutes, or I'm leaving your little ass."

"Yes, Daddy," Val sarcastically replied, kissing his cheek. "Yo, Cedes, wait up!"

Joe watched as Val quickly scampered off to catch up with Sasha.

"Woo," he said in awe of his wife's retreating figure. "That girl is everything."

"I gotta agree with you. You definitely hit the jackpot with that one," Colby said, also admiring Val.

"Now, if I could just get her to let me pop one in her, everything'll be perfect."

"You still fighting that battle?" Colby asked, removing his knee pads. "Congrats, by the way."

"Thanks, and yeah. She's not budging."

"Well, what's your hurry? You guys are young. You still got time."

Joe laid the US title over a nearby chair and began unraveling the tape from around his left wrist.

"True, but JoJo's getting older, and to be honest, I've about had it with using rubbers and the morning after pill. Wal-Mart and CVS are getting too much of my money."

"Damn, you guys are still using rubbers?" Colby said, creasing his brow in surprise.

"Yeah, and the shit's working on my last nerve. I'm trying to be patient, but damn, I don't know how much more of this shit I can take."

The Heart Always Wants More (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora