"I know, Vero." I whispered.

"Then? Why don't you tell me? Camila, we've never had problems with these things. You know I've hooked up with girls, and I know you'd do it too even having dated boys."

"The problem is not my sexuality, I already accepted that I'm bisexual. The problem is..."


"It's her." I said as I faced my friend. "I didn't want to like her, Vero."

"Why? Lauren is a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful girl. Honestly, after me she's your best option." She joked to lighten the atmosphere.

I flashed a weak smile, slapping her left thigh with my hand.

"Stop, I'm being serious."

"Alright! Tell me, why didn't you want to like her?" She asked as she settled closer, right in front of me.

In that instant my head traveled through the countless moments I had with Lauren. From the first moment we met, we introduced ourselves, to the others we shared together, just me and her. It has only been a few months, months that seemed like years. It was an immediate connection, just like it had been with Vero and Ally, but with an important difference, a carnal attraction that I didn't have with my other friends. Lauren didn't know this, nor would she ever know, but I couldn't deny to myself that she awakened something different in me ever since the moment she laid those emerald eyes on me.

"Falling in love with your best friend can lead you to a dead end. Or it can work out, it's the person you know the most, the one you trust, and even love. I'm not belittling the other friendships, of course, I love you and Ally like my own family." I said quickly, and Vero just smiled reassuringly. "But with Lauren it's different, she consumes me, you know? I want to be close to her, to have her eyes on me, her attention, her caresses. I don't know for sure what I want from her, for now what we have is enough for me. But I also can't say that seeing her in Ethan's arms is easy, it's not, I feel that I could be better for her, you know? I'm not being prepotent, much less cocky. But I know her so well, that if she let me, I'd know exactly what to do to make her feel loved, wanted and cared for. But it's not that simple, I'm her best friend, her confidant, it's with me that she vents to. It's to me that she tells how wonderful it is to have the most handsome boy in high school as a boyfriend." I let out with a bitter smile, feeling my eyes burning. "She sees me like a sister, and she loves me, I feel it, but it's a sisterly love that is not enough for me. I can go to her and declare myself, and hear a big no, which consequently will ruin our friendship. I don't want to lose her, I know that I can't have her the way I truly want to, but I have an important part, which is her sincere friendship. I just need to get over it once and for all, and stop letting it all affect me so much."

"Wow! That was intense." The girl said somewhat confused. "I didn't know you liked her that much, Camila."

"Me neither, Vero."

"I don't know if Lauren is as assured of her feelings like that. Sure, we see that she's all over Ethan, but maybe it's just excitement. Why don't you try? I don't know, after all this you've told me, I already want you getting married and having lots of babies."

I wiped a stubborn tear that fell down my face as an amused laugh escaped my lips. Iglesias always knew how to make me feel better.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship. This would put everything on the line, and what we have is wonderful. In a short time, we connected in an inexplicable way."

"I know, I'm even jealous, but now I understand."

"You're jealous, huh?" I teased her as I grabbed her, filling her cheek with kisses.

Fallen Angel (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now